System (technology) management COMPASS – “wonder weapon” of the USSR.
System (technology) management COMPASS. Socio-economic “miracle weapon” of the USSR. Or motivation on autopilot.
System (technology) management, “COMPASS” was first proposed in 1982 by the Soviet specialist in institutional technology by Vodianova Century, and was used in the construction of Kalinin NPP. Have obtained outstanding results, and the team of builders transformed into a kind of integral “we”, showing a record performance. The foremost began to get two or three salaries, and hacks – only the bare minimum. And everyone has seen the results of its operations and its evaluation on the overall screen.
To buy the product
System (technology) management, “COMPASS” is:
Having mastered these technologies, You will:
Reasons to buy this technology
Our systems (technology) management
System (technology) management, “COMPASS” was first proposed in 1982 by the Soviet specialist in institutional technology by Vodianova Century, and was used in the construction of Kalinin NPP. Have obtained outstanding results, and the team of builders transformed into a kind of integral “we”, showing a record performance, not being available nor affordable personal computers, no Internet and corporate informeta, the Vodyanov, V. G. used simple methods.
First, the so-called “business-squeeze” – the passport of each employee, where he writes that he is and for who does and who does what in his orders (from whom it receives). Such “business-the harmony” was introduced for all, from chiefs to grass-roots workers. At the same time everyone can supply their contractors. For example, a Builder in your passport makes the evaluation of anyone who provides him with the process: those who give concrete, establishing equipment, digging trenches, pipe racks, cooks food. Accordingly, receive grades and suppliers of management services – foremen and bosses. And, similarly, the activity Builder will be appreciated by all who dealt with him. Assessed the pros and cons are displayed on the overall rating screen, where there is everything – from the CEOs to the rank and file. And we’ll see who and how has built up over the past month. Moreover, grades are not the arbitrariness of the authorities, how would the General mind of the whole team. In the case of the Kalinin nuclear power plant that was just a large sheet of drawing paper.
But Vodyanov, V. G. went ahead and convinced the management of construction projects to introduce another mechanism for the circulation of information: money. Each employee received a small amount from the material incentives Fund. On himself he spent it could not, but could divide it and send to those who, in his opinion, works well and helps him to the employee to do their job. Began thus to distribute the first 5 percent of payroll, then more.
First was a period of slight confusion, but then people began to encourage those who work well. And the foremost began to get two or three salaries, and hacks – only the bare minimum. And everyone has seen the results of its operations and its evaluation on the overall screen. You should have seen how then went to the construction site!
The organization has earned as a great superhuman being, as an integral supra. All the company’s employees became participants in the internal market. Want to earn good money? Be useful to others, well carry out their orders. Now not only the will of his superiors, and the General mind singled out the best and put on public display careless and lazy. In fact, the Vodyanov, V. G. gave the Soviet Union the socio-economic “miracle weapon”. The system – it was called “COMPASS” – could be applied on construction sites and factories, scientific research institutions, editorial offices and even ministries.
It was used in the construction (the construction of the Kalinin nuclear power plant of Kostromskaya TPP and NPP, Ryazan MHD power, etc. trusts “Mosenergostroy” and “sevenergostroy”), engineering (Kaluga turbine plant, Ryazan combine plant), and in other sectors of the economy (Korablinsky textile plant, Moscow plant of medical preparations), etc.
System (technology) management, “COMPASS” is:
– Horizontal management of the personnel (technicians, workers and employees).
– Creation of stable horizontal linkages in the organization as the framework for the management of simple and complex vertical-horizontal structures.
– Motivation on autopilot: without any involvement of the head with the staff.
– Staff motivation is absolutely without any financial costs.
– Elimination of internal conflicts in the organization, the elimination of drunkenness, absenteeism and so on.
– Materials designed for the development of leaders at every level, average personnel, workers and employees.
Having mastered these technologies, You will:
– possess a clear step-by-step algorithm to manage any organization with number of staff – 100, 1 000, 10 000 or more people
– create a management system that will work for You,
– increase the motivation of their subordinates without financial cost,
– increase the productivity of Your organization by 38%, and thus the profit
– every employee of Your organization will work according to uniform control technology that does not require additional knowledge in the field of management. All that he will have a clear step by step instructions that it needs to do!
Reasons to buy this technology:
If You are a Manager? And You want to motivate employees to autopilot by the staff.
If You are a business owner? And You want to motivate employees without any financial costs.
If You are a business owner or top Manager? And You want to discover new opportunities to create effective horizontal and vertical governance structure.
If You are a Manager or business owner and You are tired of solving problems for their employees? And You want these issues effectively solved by the employees themselves.
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