Synthetic fuel and synthetic oil from coal liquid motor manufacturing the advantages and disadvantages of the cost
Synthetic fuel and synthetic oil – new technology.
Synthetic fuel and synthetic oil can be obtained from brown and black coal with flow-cavitation reactor. The technology of obtaining is characterized by high profitability even at low volumes of production, environmentally friendly, no harmful emissions and low cost of the resulting synthetic fuel.
Synthetic fuel is a hydrocarbon fuel, which is different from conventional fuel production process, that is obtained by processing the source material before processing is unsuitable for the consumer characteristics.
Synthetic fuel and synthetic oil can be obtained from brown and black coal. The idea of producing liquid fuel from coal is not new. In the last century was invented the technology of turning coal into synthesis gasand then the synthesis of oil under pressure on the basis of the so-called process Fischer—Tropsch. Another way technology direct liquefaction of coal developed in the early twentieth century by the German chemist Bergius. But the wide dissemination of these traditional technologies have not received due to the high cost and bulkiness of equipment. In General, these processes are used by States that do not have access to traditional liquid fuel – oil.
The proposed technology of production of oil from coal is fundamentally different from the traditional and uses a equipment with flow-cavitation reactor. There are no gas phase, and harmful emissions. If earlier for the saturation of coal with hydrogen to provide the needed high pressure — at least 60 to 100 atmospheres and a temperature of over 600 degrees with the addition of a catalyst, now it’s much cheaper and easier. There is no need to build entire factories with huge production cycle. Equipment for the new technology occupies a surface area of only 40 by 40 meters.
The secret new technology of production of synthetic petroleum products, using the principle of cavitation in the cavitation field, the process of boiling liquids by mechanical action. When boiling the energy of the collapse of the bubbles 40 times more energy required for their formation. If earlier the principle of cavitation has been used only for the reception of water coal fuel, and now — for the synthesis of petroleum products. In addition, also used the effect Yutkina. During the passage of discharge current through the liquid converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is a kind of shock wave. She’s working at the nanoscale, and destroys the molecular structure of the charcoal, saturating it with hydrogen. Because of these effects and principles even without super-high temperature and pressure conditions for the reaction for the liquefaction of coal and synthesis of liquid product. As a result, the high yield: the oil becomes more than half of the coal mass.
The production process consists of two stages. First, the equipment recycles cheap brown coal (world reserves of such coals at times more than coke) to the equivalent of oil, and then in the engine synthetic fuels — gasoline, diesel and fuel oil.
The cost of synthetic fuel three times less than obtained in the usual way.
– high profitability even at low production volumes. The mobile plant is quite applicable even in the far North, where the fuel has to carry thousands of miles away. It can be supplied close to where coal mining and on the spot to produce diesel and petrol
– technology allows to improve the environment, to dispose of coal slurries and tailings, and to restore the environment, because the raw materials used in these coal slurries and tailings,
– environmentally friendly production technology. No harmful emissions,
– high output of finished products – synthetic crude oil and synthetic fuel
an exception to the technology of production of synthetic oil products of the number of technological operations high temperatures, chemical catalysts and pressure,
– it is planned to develop a coal engine not only synthetic fuels but also with a wide range of synthetic hydrocarbons — valuable polymeric raw materials for light industry, electronic, defense and other industries
– low cost of the resulting synthetic fuel and synthetic oil.
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