Soviet control technology “Sputnik” and “Scalar”
Effective, simple and reliable Soviet technology management “Sputnik” and “Scalar”.
Effective, simple and reliable Soviet technology management “Sputnik” and “Scalar”. With the use of these technologies control the Soviet Union conducted large-scale projects such as the creation and launch of the spacecraft “Buran”.
To buy the product
Soviet control technology “Sputnik” and “Scalar” is:
Having mastered these technologies, You will:
Reasons to buy this technology
Our systems (technology) management
Soviet control technology “Sputnik” and “Scalar”- with the use of these technologies control the Soviet Union conducted large-scale projects such as the creation and launch of the spacecraft “Buran”.
During 18 years on the “Buran” he worked directly with more than a million people in 1286 companies and organizations, 86 ministries and agencies were involved in the largest scientific and production centers of the country. The total cost of the program amounted to 16.4 billion Soviet rubles.
Soviet control technology “Sputnik” and “Scalar” is:
– Secret tokens – the Foundation of the management system, which we are never told.
– Project management, task management, target complex programs of work.
– Create multi-level vertical-horizontal management system.
– Effective management of a single institutional framework.
– Calendar-network planning and management in simple and complex vertical-horizontal structures.
Having mastered these technologies, You will:
– possess a clear step-by-step algorithm to manage any organization with number of staff – 100, 1 000, 10 000 or more people
– create a management system that will work for You,
– increase the motivation of their subordinates without financial cost,
– increase the productivity of Your organization by 38%, and thus the profit
– every employee of Your organization will work according to uniform control technology that does not require additional knowledge in the field of management. All that he will have a clear step by step instructions that it needs to do!
Reasons to buy this technology:
If You are the head of subsidiarity? And You want the promotion to continue to move up the career ladder.
If You are a middle Manager? And You want to start your own business or to become a top Manager.
If You are a business owner or top Manager? And You want to discover new opportunities to create effective horizontal and vertical governance structure.
Our systems (technology) management:
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