Self-healing road surface.
Self-healing road surface is ensured by the use of special additives, consisting of a conductive multi-walled carbon nanotubes with high induction sensitivity. The introduction of special additives in asphalt concrete mix will not require a change in the composition of the mixture and the technology of laying of asphalt.
Technology is in the process of development!
The technology of self-restoration of road coverage, including the special material and road equipment.
The material is a unique composition, including conventional bitumen embedded in it a conductive multi-walled carbon nanotubes “Taunit-M”, which have a high induction sensitivity. It is through the use of nanotubes material have the ability of self-healing. As a result of cracks and potholes that inevitably arise in the operation of roads may be fix without the use of additional materials.
The use of nanotubes as additives eliminates the change of composition of asphalt-concrete mixes and the technology of laying of asphalt concrete. 50 pounds of bitumen, it is sufficient to use only 17 grams of nanotubes. The resulting mixture is enough for a ton of asphalt.
In the case of formation of cracks, potholes, etc. on road surface you want to apply a special device, which are essentially the microwave oven and the shape – the asphalt roller, which, coming down the road, will heat the surface of the roadway and result in the movement of the nanotube, which initiates splicing of road cracks.
– reducing the cost of repair road works in three and more times
– reduction of time required for the repair of road runs from one week to several hours
– the technology eliminates a long and inconvenient operation for the replacement of the upper protective layer of the roadway.
– high manufacturability of repair of the roadway, as the technology involves induction heating of only a thin bitumen film covering the stone materials.