Seed treatments based on nanoaerosols shapes of silver nanoparticles

Seed treatments based on nanoaerosols forms of nanoparticles of silver and other metals.



Seed treatments based on nanoaerosol form of nanoparticles of the metals provide environmental safety of the compositions during the pre-sowing treatment, combining the functions of a fungicide and growth regulator, the minimum guaranteed yield increase (5 %). Disinfectants based on silver nanoparticles destroy up to 150 different types of organisms.






Seed treatments — drugs used for pre-processing of various cultural plants, with the purpose of protection of seedlings from pests and diseases of plants. In some cases, use of drugs single purpose, i.e. to protect the plants from disease only, or only from wreckers, but lately often use preparations of complex action.

Seed treatment and planting material is a mandatory appointment in the technology of cultivation of various crops. The efficiency of etching and ecological purity of agricultural products largely depends on the treater.

An important role in crop production for disinfection, disinfection and deodorization of industrial premises, office buildings, transport, processing area plays an aerosol form of seed dressing. According to statistics more than 40% of the global harvest is collected is safeguarded through the protection of plant insecticidal, fungicidal, etc. aerosols. Their action involves the formation of bactericidal film on the surface of walls and equipment and vapor condensation aerosol bacterial substrate. The room air is disinfected by evaporation of droplets of aerosol disinfectant with subsequent condensation of its vapor on the particles containing the bacteria. One of the features of substances transferred into aerosol is a significant increase of their surface. The surface area of the particle (per unit mass) increases with decreasing their size, so their efficiency increases significantly when reducing the size of aerosol particles less than 1 micron. Holding them on the surfaces is increased 5 to 20 times, costs, processing time reduce 3 times, when the level of residual quantities of pesticides, hundreds of times less than when sprayed.

As a rule, traditional seed treatments this chemical drugs.

Compared to traditional seed treatments nanopowders provide environmental safety of the compositions during the pre-sowing treatment, combining the functions of a fungicide and growth regulator, the minimum guaranteed yield increase (5 %) in relation to the technologies of growing agricultural crops using the best disinfectants, the ability to control trace element composition of the disinfectants, depending on the trace element composition of local soils, the possibility of placing industrial plants in the major forage – and grain-producing areas. The price of treatment of 1 ton of seeds in the industrial production of nanopowders corresponds to the price of 1 ton of seed during etching traditional disinfectants.

In this regard, in recent years, established and widely applied nanoemulsion, an active substance which is enclosed in nanocapsules of oil. Depending on the type of active substance possible, the suppression of cell activity or its stimulation. As antibacterial agent may be used silver nanoparticles, destroying up to 150 different types of organisms. For transporting such nanocapsule to machined objects using nano-sized aerosols. They improve the quality of technology treatments, give the particles of the aerosol electrical charge to help manage the processes of distribution and deposition of electroaerosol.



– ecological purity of products grown,

environmental safety in the pre-sowing treatment of seeds

– simultaneous combination of functions of disinfectant and plant growth regulator,

minimum guaranteed yield increase of at least 5%,

– ease of use,

the destruction of up to 150 different types of organisms.