“Second sound” in graphite
“Second sound” in graphite.
The researchers conducted a series of experiments with normal graphite and opened his previously unknown properties.
So, if graphite is cooled to a temperature of 120 K (-153 ° C) and feed it through sound, heat points (sections) of the material (when running through the sound wave) quickly cooled. They become colder than the neighbouring areas.
Because such conduct heat like the movement of sound in air, this phenomenon is called “second sound”. The phenomenon of “second sound” is a quantum effect.
Currently only a few materials that possess the data effect: the liquid helium 4He at temperatures below the lambda point (2,1768 K), liquid helium 3He at temperatures below 2.5 MK and lithium 6Li at a temperature of 50 NK.
This phenomenon can be used in microelectronics, for example, for instant cooling large computers and processors.
It is assumed that “second sound” can be pronounced in graphene even at room temperature.
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