Seamless roof. Sprayable, liquid roof

Seamless roof. Sprayable, liquid roofing.



Seamless roof is a liquid material that forms the printed surface is absolutely waterproof, seamless, elastic and durable coating.



The advantages of seamless roofing

The advantages of materials Polimat



Seamless roof is a single component (or two-part) liquid material system of the fillers that form after application to a surface and drying durable, flexible, not cracking, resistant to temperature changes and keeps water the membrane (coating).

The printed surface is formed completely waterproof, seamless, resilient, refracting and reflecting heat and ultraviolet coating.

This liquid material (seamless roof) may apply to all types of surfaces (metal, galvanized iron, concrete, slate, roofing material, wood , etc.).

But because a liquid material can be applied not only to the actual roof surface, but also on the base of buildings, foundations, pipes, wagons, containers, tanks, etc.

For the application does not require careful preparation of the surface, sufficiently washing the surface with water under pressure.

Applied material does not lose elasticity over time, expanding and shrinking along with the underlying surface.

Liquid materials seamless roofing presents a wide range: Polimat A. 1, Politemet A. 2, A. 3 Polimat, Politemet A. 4, A. 5 Politemet production company “NPP “Labyrinth”. They are created based on acrylic.


The advantages of seamless roof:

– the solidity. The applied coating has no seams that provides reliable waterproofing of the roof. The coating is applied as a single layer regardless of the particular geometry of the surface,

the lack of weaknesses: joints, seams, knots, landfall, etc., and therefore the lack of possible causes of leaks,

– high strength and elasticity. The coating is resistant to abrasion and mechanical impact, which allows you to do the roof (the roof) operated,

convenience and ease of application. For applying the liquid material does not require careful preparation of the surface, sufficiently washing the surface with water under pressure. Also it does not require special training of personnel. The material is applied as a hand (brush, roller) and by machine (spray gun high pressure),

– wide range of colors for roofing,

aesthetics. After application to the roof creates a beautiful, aesthetic coating,

durability. Seamless roof is 20 years or more,

when applying the liquid material required to carry out the dismantling of the old surface of the roof (the old roof carpet). The liquid material is applied to old roofing carpet,

– fast curing time of the material

application of liquid coating provides the appearance of a new quality of roof – it ekspluatiruet,

– high maintainability. Roof repair does not require removing or replacing the existing roof membrane

excellent adhesion to virtually any type of surfaces

– the application of liquid material to the surface produced without the use of an open flame and heating devices

resistance to UVand aggressive chemical reagents: alkali, solvents and acids in the atmosphere,

– ease. Unlike traditional roofing systems, seamless roofing weighs 4 to 5 times less, which reduces the load on the building

– fire safety. The material does not support combustion,

– operating temperature from – 50 0C to + 90 0C,


– coating does not lose its properties over time,

environmentally friendly and safe for the environment and humans.


The advantages of materials Polimat:

liquid materials Polimat can reflect up to 90% of solar radiation, which reduces heating of the roof by up to 20% and allows to reduce the consumption of electricity on air conditioning to 17%,

the acrylic one-component basis.


Note: © Photo

Description of the technology on the example of roofing materials Polimat production company “NPP “Labyrinth”.