Flat rolling equipment – automated complexes of cross-wedge rolling of preforms.
Rolling automated complexes of cross-wedge rolling the billet is most effective when the production with frequent changeovers large range of high-precision complex parts. Cross-wedge rolling compared to the forging provides increased productivity in 1,5-2 times, reduction of metal consumption by 10-30%, increase accuracy, reducing the complexity of subsequent operations. Feature high accuracy, ease of manufacture and low cost flat wedge tool.
Flat rolling equipment consists of automated complexes including mill cross wedge rolling with flat tools, devices and mechanisms, providing the functions of heating of the workpiece, the profiling of the product, as well as the transport of the billet and laminated products in the process.
Gamma designed rolling equipment for rolling of parts with a diameter of 5-190 mm and a length of 30-1000 mm. this ensures the manufacture of parts or semifinished products with a diameter of 2-190 mm, length 40-1000 mm, the maximum obtainable precision of 0.01 mm (diameter 7 mm), the maximum achievable surface finish of 0.6 RA.
Flat-cone mills (rolling mill equipment) most effective at production with frequent changeovers large range of high-precision complex parts. Roller mills do not have these advantages, they should be used in mass production of one or two products, particularly short, with relatively low requirements to their accuracy.
The essence of the process of cross-wedge rolling is elastoplastic rolling the workpiece between two V-tools in parallel of moving towards each other and mounted on plates or rotating in one direction and mounted on rollers with parallel axes.
The process of cross-rolling is carried out in the following sequence. The initial blank is fed into the working area of the mill to the rolling axis and is located across the lead parts of the tools. Instruments reported to counter the translational or rotational motion. The lead parts of both tools are embedded into the workpiece from the opposite sides to cause its rotation and the formation of the annular grooves. Subsequently the annular groove extends through the rolling metal slanted faces of the tool, there is the movement of excess amounts of metal in the axial direction, profiling and elongation of the workpiece. The result of rolling the billet acquires a negative profile of the tool. At the final stage of rolling is carried out the calibration of the profile and the blades mounted on both sides of the tools, cut off excess metal from the laminated product.
– ease of fabrication and low cost flat wedge tool produced on universal milling and grinding machines,
– stable position of the parts in the plane of the tool,
– high dimensional accuracy ( to 0.01… 0.5 mm) of rolled parts,
– high durability flat wedge tool (up to 500,000 parts),
low metal consumption of equipment
– low cost of rolled parts (10% lower than at the roller mills),
– easy control and adjustment of the mill,
– quick changeover equipment to produce new parts, full automation of the process
– cross-wedge rolling , compared with the stamping also provides increased productivity in 1,5—2 times, reduction of metal consumption by 10-30%, increase accuracy, reducing the complexity of subsequent operations.
The shafts of gear boxes, helical anchors, elements, furniture fittings, spools, axles, ball studs, spindles, drills, shafts of pumps and motors, liners, cutting tools for mining machines, etc., as well as the exact profile of the intermediate preforms for further bezoblachnoe or low-waste plastic processing.