Reverse osmosis system for complete water treatment.
Through the reverse osmosis membrane pass only molecules of water,which allows to divide the flow of incoming water into two: chemically pure – distilled water in a holding tank, and aqueous solution of high density is discharged into the drainage system.
Compare reverse osmosis with purification station drinking water
Reverse osmosis – a process in which by means of pressure forcing the solvent (usually water) to pass through semipermeable membrane from more concentrated to less concentrated solution, that is opposite to osmosis direction. The membrane is designed so that flows through a solvent (water) but does not let the dissolved substances (minerals, etc.).
All have not passed through the membrane minerals are removed, and the output is the installation of reverse osmosis obtained a chemically pure solvent (chemically pure distilled water).
The pore size of the membrane is between 0.0001 and 0.001 µm. Accordingly, through the reverse osmosis membrane are, for example, only molecules of water. That allows you to split the flow of incoming water into two: chemically pure – distilled water in a holding tank, and aqueous solution of high density is discharged into the drainage system. At the same time, the membrane allows dissolved oxygen and other gases.
For quality cleaning of solvent (water) takes some time, so the performance of reverse osmosis filters is relatively small.
With the installation of reverse osmosis receive the purest – distilled water. Drinking distilled water is harmful to health!
Some models of reverse osmosis systems are composed demonicyoshi unit. Such systems are called OO/DI (RO/DI or reverse osmosis and deionization).
Membrane reverse osmosis systems are very sensitive to pollution. The average lifespan of a reverse osmosis system for obtaining pure water is about three years. The harder the raw water, the more often you need to change the membrane. The state of the membrane can be assessed by the quality of the water. When wear of the membrane increases the total amount of dissolved mineral substances.
It is not recommended to use water obtained through reverse osmosis, for drinking!
Use Station, the purification of drinking water.
– sewage treatment,
– receive the purest – distilled water
– medical (due to the almost complete sterilization of water).
– in a marine aquarium.
Compare reverse osmosis with purification station drinking water:
Reverse osmosis system disadvantages:
– water purified using reverse osmosis unit is completely cleaned from all impurities and deprived of important minerals.
The purification station drinking water – advantages:
Detailed description of the station here…
– waterpurified station is completely cleaned from harmful impurities and microorganisms, thus contains the necessary minerals;
station of water purification eliminates the reverse osmosis membrane, ultraviolet and ion-exchange resinas adversely affecting water quality (contribute to the appearance of carcinogenic substances) and reduce the economic efficiency of the installation.
– filter elements stations provide clean, softened, clarified and disinfected water.
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