Processing of sludge water utilities and the production of soils.
Disposal and moreover recycling of sludge into fertilizer or soil is a particularly relevant problem for all water and sewer farms in Russia. Thanks to a series of discoveries, it is now possible to deactivate toxic components that greatly opened previously unavailable technological boundaries. Sludge is a highly rich fertilizer that contains the whole complex of minerals and plants need nutrients.
Disposal and moreover recycling of sludge in fertilizer or the soil is a particularly relevant problem for all water and sewer farms in Russia. Almost all silt sediments are transported to landfills and disposed. The presence of heavy metals highly toxic and chemically stable compounds, total deletion which always seemed impossible, did silt sediments is extremely dangerous sewage. Until recently, the use of the sludge sludge was illegal because of high toxicity and risk to humans, i.e. use it even as a fertilizer , was absolutely impossible.
Thanks to a series of discoveries, it is now possible to deactivate toxic components that greatly opened previously unavailable technological boundaries. Sludge is a highly rich fertilizerthat contains the whole complex of minerals and plants need nutrients.
Technology of processing of sludge allows to reduce to acceptable limits (or remove) the concentrations of heavy metals are highly toxic and chemically stable compounds. This technology uses a component-additive peat.
Technology of processing of sludge is a technological system that produces high-performance soils.
At the moment the soil is prepared on the basis of sludge is a fertilizer very broad purpose.
In General, it’s literally “the perfect Supplement” for anyone, even the most flawed of the soil, which can happen a miracle the transformation in “not having analogues in the world highly productive soil” suitable for even the most finicky plants. Such soils restores eroded soil.
– restoration of eroded soils
– recycling of sludge in the finished product
– the business of recycling sludge has a higher yield because the raw material has a negative value. For the disposal of sludge water utilities pay extra!
Application soil:
– for lawns in city, town,etc.
– in agriculture,
– in forestry,
– the restoration of eroded, polluted land.
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