Purification of water using graphene

Water purification with graphene.



Graphene due to its structure acts as a filter. He is able to trap 100% of contaminants including dissolved in the liquid salt.






Material for the purification of water consists of two components: the graphene and titanium dioxide.

Graphene has microscopic nanochannel. The fluid passes through these channels and cleared. Graphene due to its structure acts as a filter. He is able to trap 100% of contaminants including dissolved in the liquid salt.

Titanium dioxide is a photocatalyst, which significantly accelerates the decomposition of harmful organic substances.

This technology can purify water no matter how polluted it was originally. It can also be applied for seawater desalination.

Filters based on graphene and dioxide titanium can be used to purify water in domestic and industrial environments, including wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises.



the technology easily scales,

technology does not require significant costs.


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