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Propellers of the graphene material.
Propellers of the graphene material give a lot of advantages. Graphene as a material has unique properties, particularly strength and flexibility.
The technology is awaiting funding and is in the process of development!
Currently, the traditional monometallic materials have been exhausted, and if not go to composite technology, it will be impossible to achieve a significant increase in characteristics of the propeller. This also applies to the architecture and design of propellers. Endless possibilities to add blades on the screws and make them more sublobatum and more subtle, not introducing new materials, it is useless. Propellers of the graphene material give a lot of advantages. The choice of graphene as the material is not accidental. Graphene as a carbon material has unique properties, particularly strength and flexibility.
Graphene – the revolutionary material of the XXI century. Graphene is a two – dimensional allotropic form of carbon, which combined into the crystal lattice of atoms form a layer one atom thick. It is the most durable, easiest option and conductive carbon compounds. Thus, the graphene sheet with an area of one meter and thickness of one atom stands the subject of weight up to 4 kg. In this case the product of a unique material are flexible and able to “tighten” the “holes” in its structure.
– reduce the vibration of the blades,
– improve the efficiency of the screws,
– the blade will adjust to ambient hydrodynamic flow, depending on speed
– the propeller will be immune to ice,
– able depending on the speed of the craft to take its optimal form,
– this will increase not only the speed of the vessel, but will increase its flexibility and power.
On courts of all types.