Processing of peat with the aim of obtaining complex fertiliser and restore soil fertility.
Electrohydraulic processing of peat Yutkin method allows to obtain a complex: and organic and mineral fertilizer in a soluble form that is useful and easily accessible for plants.
Electrohydraulic processing of peat by the method Yutkin
Advantages of the electrohydraulic processing of peat by the method Yutkin
Electrohydraulic processing of peat by the method Yutkin:
The most important and promising source of organic, especially humic substances, is peat. Humic substances of peat contain a large amount of nitrogen and is capable of stimulating the physiological processes of plants. In addition, peat contains almost all the elements of the periodic table, useful for the growth and development of plants. But the bulk of the nutrients present in the peat and water in the form of compounds unavailable to plants. It requires only translate what is already available in abundance in the fertile soil – the peat in water-soluble state. Nature, it takes years.
Electrohydraulic processing of peat has a multifactorial physical and chemical impacts on the complex organic structure and is a promising method of activation is in seconds. So in 1951 by L. Utkinym proposed a method of electro-processing of peat, in which the transition of insoluble forms of chemical compounds to be soluble. This method is known as the Yutkin effect.
Inside the pulp (a mixture of peat and water) in a microsecond is generated a pulsed electric discharge of great power, called natural lightning. In the environment around the area of discharge are created of ultra-high pressure occur cavitation processes, accompanied by such physical and chemical phenomena as resonance, infra – and ultrasonic vibrations, strong magnetic fields, pulsed light, thermal, x-ray and neutron radiation. All this leads to grinding of solid materials and break chemical bonds in molecules. There is an intensive dispersion of the particles smaller than 250 µm, the number of which reaches 80-90%. Thus, the size of the resulting surface becomes even larger than most of fine silty fractions of the usual soil. The weight content of nutrients and microelements in treated peat sharply changes upward, multiple ionization of elements contained in the liquid. As a result of processing of the soil in water-soluble state passes more than 30 chemical elements in various compounds.
1 cubic meter of peat, it is possible to obtain 9 kg of nitrogen, 4 kg of potassium, 0.5 kg of phosphorous fertilizers.
In the future, the accumulation of ammonium nitrogen continues during storage of the finished product – slurry (a mixture of peat and water) due to the growth and development of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, is the so-called “bacterial explosion”.
Subsequently, the slurry (a mixture of peat and water) applied to land to improve its reproductive properties.
The energy cost of electrohydraulic processing of peat does not exceed 50-60 kW per 1 ton.
Advantages of the electrohydraulic processing of peat by the method Yutkin:
– simultaneous production of organic and mineral fertilizers in a soluble form that is useful and accessible to plants,
– electrohydraulic processing can cause in the water the appearance of active free atomic oxygen and hydrogen, and even the simplest amino acid,
– there is no viable alternative to peat and its derivatives for large-scale improve the agronomic properties of soils,
– useful organic and mineral substances contained in the peat is transferred readily available form for the plants,
– simplicity, low cost and high efficiency of processing of peat at the expense of electrohydraulic effect Yutkina,
– electrohydraulic processed peat can be used with no-till no-till technology in agriculture,
– electro-treated pulp (a mixture of water and peat) has antibacterial properties, which is very important when growing vegetables in enclosed grounds and greenhouses,
– simultaneous sterilization of the processed peat.