Processing of organic waste into electrical energy

Processing of organic waste into electrical energy.



Recycling of organic wastes to electrical energy is accomplished using a highly efficient power generating complex. As waste is used and recycled organic portion of solid waste, silt sediments, animal waste, production waste, oil sludge, medical waste, toxic substances, poisons, sawdust, lignin, coal, peat, bard, etc. organic waste.






Recycling of organic wastes to electrical energy is accomplished using a highly efficient power generating complex.

As waste is used and recycled organic portion of solid waste, silt sediments, animal waste, production waste, oil sludge, medical waste, toxic substances, poisons, sawdust, lignin, coal, peat, bard, etc. organic waste.

Highly efficient power generating complex consists of:

reactor to produce methane or producer gas,

steam boiler (pressure of 25-30 ATM, temperature 200 0C)

paro-screw machine.

The basis of processing organic waste are the following technologies:

technology of production of methane gas by the method TDSW at pressures up to 250 ATM and temperatures up to 600 0C,

technology of production of the gas generator by high-temperature pyrolysis (VTP) to 2600 OS.

Generator (air) gas , a gas mixture containing carbon monoxide (II) CO and molecular hydrogen H2. Calorific value of producer gas is 800-1000 kcal/m3, and substitution of air for oxygen when it is received leads to a significant increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide and, consequently, to increase the calorific value. Generator gas is used as fuel.

All thermo-chemical reactions in the framework of these technologies are in the reactor without access of air in a closed loop. At the exit of the reactor is obtained a gas methane CH4 (or producer gas), water and coal powder. Any emissions to the atmosphere do not exist.

Methane or producer gas subsequently burned in order to generate steam and heat or electric energy.

For own needs of the installation of highly efficient energy complex takes from 10 to 20% of the energy produced.

According to estimates, 1 000 tons of organic materials 90% humidity can get up to 100 000 kW/hour of electric and thermal energy.



– a single set of processing organic waste,

the absence of emissions. All thermo-chemical reactions in the framework of these technologies are in the reactor without access of air in a closed loop,

– recycling all types of organic waste.