Processing of metal products by the electron beam.
Processing of metal products e-beam (electron-beam treatment of metal products) allows to increase the service life of metal products in several times. For example, of stainless steel – 2-3 times.
Processing of metal products e-beam (electron-beam treatment of metal products) allows to increase the service life of metal products in several times. For example, of stainless steel – 2-3 times.
Under load, any metal item gradually accumulates microdamages. To the naked eye they are not visible until they begin to grow. Eventually they merge into cracks that eventually lead to the destruction of metal, sometimes with catastrophic consequences.
In the processing of metal parts by a beam of low frequency radiation can increase its share of fatigue durability. Electron-beam processing allows heating of the surface layers of the sample become very high temperatures only for fractions of milliseconds, after which all the heat then goes into the bulk of the sample, and it cools down. As a result, the surface changes its structure, the cracks disappear. On the surface of the formed hardened layer thickness of 2-10 microns. with submicro – and nanocrystalline structure. After processing the item, you can immediately put into operation. Its durability increases significantly. The surface hardness of steels after processing can be increased by 2-3 times, and carbide materials like WC-Co increases from 15 GPA to 25 GPA.
In addition to the hardening of metal products, electron-beam treatment allows the polishing of many complex-shaped parts such as dies, molds, metal dentures, etc. Usually it is very difficult and time-consuming task. The use of pulsed electron beam allows significantly to simplify and speed up the polishing process dozens of times. In addition, the important point is that electron-beam polishing, unlike manual or mechanical, does not use the abrasive. The use of abrasive is not always allowed because it is often embedded in a polished surface, where it remains in the form of inclusions.
In the area of electron-beam treatment, the surface cleaned and are annealed low-melting impurities. During crystallization in vacuum due to the surface tension forces occurs a smoothing of the relief and surface polishing. The surface roughness of the die steel and hard carbide alloys can be reduced by 15 times, up to Ra = 0.05 µm. In General, in comparison with the finish electrical discharge machining (ЕDM), this method allows to reduce the level of roughness of 5-6 times.
Source low-energy high-current electron beams of microsecond duration (the electron gun) generates a homogeneous wide-aperture electron beam with a diameter of 10 cm Irradiated area of a metallic target looks the mirror.
Another feature of electron-beam treatment of metal products is the formation on the surface of metal materials surface functional alloys.
Surface alloy is formed by the alternating deposition of nanolayers on the desired product and subsequent liquid-phase mixing napisannoi nanofilm to the substrate by intense pulsed electron beam. Both spraying and mixing occur in a single vacuum cycle. Functionally, the surface alloy is a coating having the required properties and which improves the service properties of the product or part. However, the surface alloy is significantly different from coverage because it does not contain the interface between the substrate and the coating. The surface layer with a specified chemical composition is fused into the substrate and makes a whole with it. Thus, in this case, does not exist separately of the coating and the substrate, and there is a single conglomerate, consisting of the substrate material and the surface of the alloy.
– improve mechanical properties of metallic materials. The service life of metal products is increased by several times, 2-3 times,
– improvement of corrosion properties of metallic materials,
– acceleration of polishing the surface of metal products, especially complex shapes, where hand polishing is difficult or impossible, dozens of times
– cleaning the surface of metal products, including fusible impurities,
– formation on the surface of metal materials surface functional alloys – a new class of coatings with the desired properties. This class of coatings has superior adhesion, since fused into the substrate and cannot peel off from her.