Precast-monolithic ceiling price, buy aerated concrete with their hands a beam plate reviews

Precast-monolithic overlap, as cheap and environmentally friendly building materials.



Precast-monolithic overlap eliminate a kind of technological imbalance, when wall house design modern: warm, light and durable, and cappings are held in the old fashion slab or monolith, heavy and expensive. Precast-monolithic overlap 30% – 50% lighter and hollow-core slabs, provide savings in construction up to 30%, have a carrying capacity up to 2,000 kg per m2.


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Composed of precast-monolithic slab of two main parts:

1) reinforced concrete beams (girders) with a spatial triangular reinforcing frame in the form of lightweight steel trusses.

2) lightweight blocks (inserts), which can be made of concrete, sand concrete, polystyrene.

Precast-monolithic overlap eliminate a kind of technological bias, when the wall structures of the house modern: warm, light and durable, and cappings are held in the old fashion slab or monolith, heavy and expensive.


When mounting light blocks (inserts) is laid on reinforced concrete beams (girders); fastened on top of solid rebar, mesh; sinuses between the blocks of the slab and a reinforced concrete beam (girder) and the top surface of the blocks (inserts) zamonolichivajut.


– environmentally friendly, composed of sand, gravel, clay, cement,

brand strength from the M200 and more

– production technology team, filler design,

different length, width and shape of floors

– have a perfectly clear geometry

reduction of weight of overlappings at 30% – 50% compared to hollow core and solid, respectively,

– do not require cast-in-situ belt on the walls and a levelling screed of the subfloor,

coefficient of absorption of impact noise is 1.5 times better than the concrete slab,

– the construction of slabs in the building configuration of any complexity with Bay Windows and projections,

savings in the construction of up to 30%,

– load capacity up to 2,000 kg per m2,

the construction of slabs does not require the use of a crane,

they are easy to move and mount,

the use of voids in slabs for pipe-laying

– installation in remote places,

thermal resistance of precast-monolithic floors compared to concrete make it 9 times.



precast-monolithic overlap in low-rise construction allows to erect buildings up to 3 floors inclusive,

– in buildings of any complexity configuration,

in frame-house construction of precast-monolithic slabs are used as floors in buildings up to 24 floors.