Petal gas-dynamic bearings.
Petal gas-dynamic bearings is oil-free bearings that allow you to completely eliminate the use in turbines and oil engines and to increase the specific capacity of the air turbines and engines, making them smaller, faster, hotter. As a result, they use less fuel to lift a heavy load (passengers or a heavy load).
Petal gas-dynamic bearings is oil-free bearings that allow you to completely eliminate the use in turbines and oil engines and increase the specific power turbines and aircraft engines, making them smaller, faster, hotter. As a result, they use less fuel to lift a heavy load (passengers or a heavy load).
Petal gas-dynamic bearings are completely spare engines and turbines from the lubrication system, reduce the weight of the engine and at the same time reduce the effort required for maintenance of the engine.
For reference. Turbo aircraft and helicopters currently are lubricated with oil. But the oil catastrophically loses its properties at high operating temperatures at which turbines are most efficient. In addition, one rule of thumb suggests that up to a quarter of the weight of the turbine are lubricant pumps, filters, oil.
Petal gas-dynamic bearings have a relatively simple construction and operation. The bearing surface of the bearing to form a thin elastic metal plate. On the surface of the plate apply anti-friction coating low friction which “lubricates” the bearing at start-up until the shaft can not rotate fast enough to get between it and the bearing is formed an air wedge. With increasing frequency of rotation of a rotor of a gas layer completely separates the working surfaces of the rotor and bearing. The rising speed is accompanied by increase of the bearing capacity of the bearing. In principle, the shaft floats on a film of air, similar to the puck in hockey. The only difference is that there is no need to pump air to the support. Rotation of the shaft provides its own compressed air.
Petal gas-dynamic bearings change shape depending on the conditions in which they work to create the optimal geometry of the gap.
Petal gas-dynamic bearings have unique stabilizing properties. They do not allow the occurrence of vortex instabilities rotor, work with limited unbalance.
Currently there are two main types of gas-dynamic radar bearings: bearings and plain corrugated elements and a single main lobe (bump type) and bearings with overlapping petals (leaf type). Bearings bump type have a greater carrying capacity, and bearing leaf type – a greater damping ability, so in stationary machines use bearings of the first type, and the transport machines of the second type.
– battery life (lack of renewable lubricants, and the lack of need for supply air or another working gas under pressure into the working clearances of the bearing)
– effective damping of vibrations of the rotor due to the dissipation of vibrational energy in a number of areas of friction inside the bearing,
– the possibility to simplify the requirements to accuracy of manufacturing of details and assemblies due to the presence of comparatively large clearances inside the bearing,
– reduced purity requirements the working air (or other gas),
– reduced requirements for precision balancing of the rotor,
– a great resource. The projected service life of turbomachines with petal gas-dynamic bearings is approaching 300 thousand hours
– allows to significantly reduce the number of failures of high-speed Turbomachinery
– a high degree of ecological purity (absence of oil),
– high reliability, heat resistance.
– turbine
– engines,
– turbojets,
– turbomachines,
– electric machines,
– high-speed turbogenerators.