Ozonation and ozone generators

Ozonation and ozone generators.



Ozonation is one of the most advanced modern technological processes aimed at creating environmentally friendly, favourable working conditions and human life. Simplicity and accessibility – the possibility of ozone in electric vehicles (ozonizers). Economic feasibility of application of ozone in comparison with other known oxidizing agents – ozone is 2-5 times lower than the cost of other oxidizing agents.







Ozonation is one of the most advanced modern technological processes aimed at creating environmentally friendly, favourable working conditions and human life.

Ozone is O3 — a gaseous substance with a characteristic smell, which is an allotropic oxygen (comprises three atoms).

Ozone, being one of the strongest oxidants, it has strong disinfectant properties. It is capable of destroying viruses, bacteria, and also affect those microorganisms which are resistant to chlorine.

Ozone has a very high electron affinity (1.9 eV), which results in its properties strong oxidizer, surpassing in this regard only by fluorine. Despite the high oxidation potential of ozone, he interacts extremely selective. The reason for this selectivity is the polar structure of the molecule ozone, or, more positively polarized oxygen atom that gives the entire molecule an electrophilic character. Therefore, molecules with high electron density are most preferred reactive elements.

Another property of ozone is the ability to increase the biological value of feed for animals and food for humans that allows the use of ozone in the processes of processing, preparation and storage of feed and various products.



– ozonation has a number of advantages over chlorination. It is known that the chlorination of water produced byproducts and residual chloragen are toxic substances and can not be removed completely from drinking water. When the ozone treatment, unlike chlorination, flow in such oxidation reaction, as, for example, phenol and its derivatives, which lead to the opening of aromatic ring and receive a non-toxic end products. These products can be easily removed by filtering, as a result, eliminates turbidity, color achieve complete purification of water. The widespread use of ozonation as an alternative method of cleaning is also due to the lack of need for shipping and storing large quantities of chlorine,

the possibility to ozone at the place of consumption of the oxygen of the air, therefore does not require delivery of any reagents

– simplicity and accessibility of ozone in electric vehicles (ozonizers),

non-waste production and use of ozone terms interconversions,

– economic feasibility of application of ozone in comparison with other known oxidizing agents (2-5 times lower than the cost of other oxidizing agents),

high oxidation potential of ozone (second only to fluorine and unstable radicals),

– environmental compatibility of ozone with the environment

ozone kills all known microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and their spores, protozoan cysts,etc.

– does not exist and can not be ozone resistant forms of microbes

the ozone acts very quickly — within seconds

– ozone removes some odors and flavors that some people seem unpleasant,

ozonation does not give additional flavors and odors

– ozonation does not change the acidity of the water and does not remove from it the essential nutrients that

residual ozone quickly turns into a dioxygen (O2),

– ozone is known to destroy microorganisms in the 300-3000 times faster than any other disinfectant,

during ozonation of waste waters the content of chemical elements in the water is reduced to the MCL.



disinfection of cardboard and plastic packaging, synthetic packaging, equipment, work clothes, textile accessories (feathers, wool, hides, leather, etc.), etc.,

increase the shelf life of perishable products by 1.5 – 2 times, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and dairy products and other food products,

disinfection of tanks and technological equipment for the storage, production and processing of food,etc.,

disinfection of public spaces, including medical facilities,

disinfection of grain and intensification of the exiting grain moisture,

elimination of mold formation and rot,


disinfection, treatment, purification and disinfection of air and water,

destroy viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms

pest control. Ozone provides a complete death of the flying shapes of the moth

disinfection of grain storage, seed storage, vegetable storage facilities, warehouses, pools, etc.