Oxide of potassium, characteristics, properties and production, chemical reactions
Oxide of potassium, characteristics, properties and production, and chemical reactions.
The potassium oxide is an inorganic substance and has chemical formula K2O.
Brief description of the potassium oxide
Physical properties of potassium oxide
Chemical properties of potassium oxide
Chemical reactions of potassium oxide
The application and use of potassium oxide
Brief description of potassium oxide:
The potassium oxide is an inorganic substance, colorless or pale yellow.
Because the valency of potassium is equal to one, then the potassium oxide contains one atom of oxygen and two atoms of potassium.
The chemical formula of potassium oxide K2O.
Insoluble in water and reacts with it.
Soluble in organic solvents.
Has high hygroscopicity.
Physical properties of potassium oxide:
Parameter name: | Value: |
Chemical formula | K2O |
Synonyms and foreign language names | potassium oxide (eng.)
potassium oxide (Rus.) |
The type of substance. | inorganic |
Appearance | colorless (sometimes pale yellow) cubic crystals |
Color | colorless, sometimes pale yellow |
Taste | —* |
The smell | — |
Aggregate state (at 20 °C and atmospheric pressure of 1 ATM.) | solid |
Density (state of matter – solid, at 20 °C), kg/m3 | 2320 |
Density (state of matter – solid, at 20 °C) g/cm3 | 2,32 |
Boiling point, °C | — |
Melting point, °C | 740 |
Decomposition temperature, °C | 300 |
Hygroscopicity | high water absorption |
Molar mass, g/mol | 94,196 |
* Note:
— no data.
Receipt of potassium oxide:
The potassium oxide is obtained by the following chemical reactions:
1. from the peroxide of potassium:
First get the peroxide of potassium.
2K + O2 → К2О2.
Then peroxide, potassium enriched with potassium.
К2О2 + 2K → 2К2О.
Directly the potassium oxide by oxidation of the potassium is not obtained.
2.by heating potassium nitrate with metallic potassium:
2КNО3 + 10K → 6К2О + N2.
Potassium hydroxide can not be dehydrated to the oxide.
Chemical properties of potassium oxide. Chemical reactions of potassium oxide:
Chemically active substance.
Chemical properties of potassium oxide are similar to the properties of oxides of other alkaline metals. So it is characterized by the following chemical reactions:
1. the reaction of potassium oxide with the halogen:
K2O + СІ2 → X + CISS;
K2O + Br2 → KBR + CRSC;
K2O + I2 → KI + KIO.
The potassium oxide reacts violently with the Halogens, forming respectively two of salt:
– chloride of potassium and hypochlorite of potassium,
– potassium bromide and potassium hypobromite,
– potassium iodide and potassium hyposodic.
2. the reaction of potassium oxide with water:
K2O + H2O → 2КОН.
The potassium oxide reacts violently with water, forming potassium hydroxide.
3. the reaction of potassium oxide with carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas):
K2O + CO2 → К2СО3.
The potassium oxide in air reacts with carbon dioxide (which is acidic oxide), forming a salt with potassium carbonate.
4. the reaction of potassium oxide with sulfur dioxide:
K2O + SO2 → К2ЅО3;
K2O + ЅО3 → К2ЅО4.
Oxide of sulphur is also acidic oxide. The reaction produced a salt, respectively – in the first case, the potassium sulfite in the second case, the potassium sulphate.
5. the reaction of potassium oxide with silica:
K2O + SiO2 → К2ЅіО3.
The oxide of silicon is also acidic oxide. In the reaction, the formed salt is potassium silicate.
Similar are the reactions of potassium oxide and other acidic oxides.
6. the reaction of potassium oxide with zinc oxide:
K2O + ZnО → К2ZnО2.
Oxide of zinc is amphoteric oxide. This means that as the amphoteric oxide is oxide of zinc exhibits properties of both acidic and basic compounds. The reaction produced a salt – zincat potassium.
Similar are the reactions of potassium oxide, and other amphoteric oxides.
7. the reaction of potassium oxide with the oxide of nitrogen:
K2O + NO2 → KNO3 + KNO2.
In the reaction, the formed salt – potassium nitrate and potassium nitrite, respectively.
8. the reaction of potassium oxide with hydrofluoric acid:
K2O + 2HF → 2KF + H2O.
The chemical reaction turns the salt potassium fluoride and water.
9. the reaction of potassium oxide with nitric acid:
K2O + 2HNO3 → 2KNO3 + H2O.
As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – potassium nitrate and water.
Similar are the reactions of potassium oxide and other acids.
10. the reaction of potassium oxide with methyl hydrogen (bromoiodide):
K2O + 2HBr → 2KBr + H2O.
As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – potassium bromide and water.
11. the reaction of potassium oxide with yodovidona:
K2O + 2HI → LENGTH 2KI + H2O.
As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – potassium iodide and water.
12. the reaction of potassium oxide with liquid ammonia:
K2O + NH3 → KON + KNH2 (t = -50 oC).
As a result of chemical reaction is obtained the potassium hydroxide and potassium amide.
The application and use of potassium oxide:
The potassium oxide is used in agriculture as a component of mineral fertilizer, in construction, composed of cementand in the chemical industry to produce other compounds of potassium.
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