On a General designer
on the General designer on creation of arms, military and special equipment
(app. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from January 19, 2015 N 18)
1. These regulations establish the rights, obligations and responsibility of the General designer on creation of arms, military and special technology (further – the General designer), and also regulates other questions connected with its activity.
2. General designer is the project Manager for the creation of new (promising), technically complex (resource-intensive) samples (complexes, systems) arms, military and special technology (further – samples of weapons and military equipment), having strategic value for ensuring national defense and state security (hereinafter – the project).
3. General designer is guided by Federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation and its Board, and these regulations.
4. Candidates to empower the General designer is considered by the Board of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation.
5. Candidate to empower the General designer can be a highly qualified specialist with higher technical education, academic degree doctors of Sciences, work experience of not less than ten years in engineering positions in the relevant field of work in organizations of defense industry complex (further – organization), experience in the implementation of state, Federal and other programs, as well as academic achievements.
6. The decision on granting the candidate the powers of the General designer and the termination of such authority, accepted the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation on representation of the Board of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation.
7. After the adoption of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation the decision on granting the candidate the powers of the General designer it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is appointed to the position of Deputy head of the organization.
8. General designer, was appointed Deputy head of the organization, can be empowered decision-making on issues of resource provision of the project implemented under his leadership, including on financial issues, the act of the head of the organization.
9. The order of interaction with the General designer with the head of the organization and its divisions is determined by the Charter and other internal documents of the organization, as well as the employment contract concluded with the General designer in the prescribed manner.
10. The General designer can be appointed to a position in an organization that is a co-executor of the works performed under the project (hereinafter – the organization co-contractor) and to own shares of joint stock companies related to the implementation of the project.
11. The release of the General designer from the post of Deputy head of the organization is carried out in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation after the adoption of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation of the decision on termination of powers of the General designer.
12. Rights, obligations and responsibility of the chief designer are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, these regulations and the employment agreement concluded with him in the prescribed manner.
13. General designer has the right to:
a) coordinate with the state contracts (contracts) on creation of samples of armament and military equipment and their component parts, as well as acts of acceptance of work performed within such state contracts (contracts);
b) approve the technical specifications for the design of component parts of armaments and military equipment or to coordinate them in cases when they are approved by the state customer of the armaments, military and special equipment;
C) to coordinate the work of associate contractors, as well as to take delivery of results (components) of research and development work performed in accordance with the approved technical specifications;
g) to approve in the established order of the program and methods of preliminary tests of samples of arms and military equipment;
d) coordinate with the programs and procedures of state testing models of weapons and military equipment, to carry out the technical management of the tests, to be members of the state Commission for testing of created samples of arms and military equipment as Deputy Chairman of the Commission;
e) to monitor the implementation of works on modernization created under his leadership, weapons and military equipment;
g) to submit in the established order proposals on the allocation of financial resources for modernization, reconstruction and expansion of scientific and experimental base, the acquisition of materials, components, laboratory and testing equipment, as well as to promote the most distinguished employees of the organization;
h) to prepare proposals on the creation and implementation of new technologies, components and materials, the use of which will ensure a high technical level of developments;
I) make selection of qualified professionals and recommend them in the prescribed manner for appointment to positions in organizations and as co-executors;
K) to prepare, within the established Fund of payment of labour proposals to change the organizational structure and the number of scientific research, development and test departments of the organization based on service and production necessity;
l) provide in the prescribed manner proposals for new research work required for the project;
m) agree in the prescribed manner the orders on appointment of chief designers involved in the project, and also to recommend names for appointment of chief designers in the organization as co-executors;
n) approve agreement with the Board of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation and the head of the organization (managers, associate contractors) position about the main designer involved in the project, to include requirements for the chief designer and his rights, duties and responsibilities;
o) to create and lead the councils of chief designers in order to fully ensure the realization of design solutions and coordination of works performed in the framework of the project.
a) to analyze tendencies of development of technologies in the field of armaments, military and special equipment in the leading foreign countries for their use in the development of new weapons and military equipment;
b) to use to create weapons and military equipment of the latest scientific and technical achievements, providing military-technical superiority over the foreign analogues;
C) ensure conformity of the developed models of weapons and military equipment tactical and technical specifications and requirements in terms of reliability, life, maintainability, quality and technology applicable to them;
g) develop and approve jointly with the state customer of the armaments, military and special equipment in coordination with the Board of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation the schedule of the implementation of the project, including actions for the resources (financial, technological, production and other);
d) exercise supervision developed models of armament and military equipment, the quality of their production, to make proposals on measures to remedy deficiencies, and to monitor condition in service armaments and military equipment;
e) exercise control over a target expenditure of the financial resources allocated for the creation of samples of armament and military equipment;
g) to coordinate the tactical-technical (technical) job research and development work, tactical and technical requirements to develop models of weapons and military equipment;
h) to provide a high manufacturability of the developed models of weapons and military equipment, to use the most promising technical solutions for the organization of their serial production;
and) carry out scientific and technical supervision of works performed in the framework of the project organizations participating;
K) to organize the study of new samples of weapons and military equipment in operational conditions and on the basis of such examination results to ensure their improvement (to increase their reliability and life, reducing costs, reducing energy consumption, fuel and lubricants and other materials during manufacture and operation);
l) to participate in the work of the commissions on carrying out of state tests developed weapons and military equipment, as well as commissions (expert groups) in the preparation of project proposals of the state armament program, state, Federal and other programs in the area of ensuring the country’s defence and state security;
m) to coordinate plans for pilot and serial production of weapons and military equipment;
n) adopt measures to ensure (equipment) design of pilot units and test equipment, computing equipment, measuring instruments, computer-aided design level to ensure execution of works on creation and debugging of new weapons and military equipment;
o) to participate in the development and coordination of the draft state armament programme and in the scientific-technical Council of the head scientific-technical organization – the customer of weapons, military and special equipment.
16. General designer is responsible for:
a) the formation and implementation in accordance with their competence of a single scientific-technical and innovative policy in the sphere of ensuring the country’s defence and state security;
b) coordination of work performed in the framework of the project, their alignment with technological works, fundamental and forward-looking research conducted in the framework of the state defense order, the state, Federal and other programs in the area of ensuring the country’s defence and state security;
C) the creation of samples of armament and military equipment on the world standards level;
g) strict adherence to deadlines create weapons and military equipment within the limits allocated for this purpose financial resources;
d) the creation and quality testing of samples of arms and military equipment, integration of systems and devices included in the composition of the samples of weapons and military equipment at all stages of development and testing;
e) ensuring rational cooperation associate contractors and coordination of works undertaken by them under the project;
g) timely submission of technical jobs organizations subcontractors;
h) organization of research and experimental work required to create scientific and technological potential;
I) systematic improvement of technical and technological level of armaments and military equipment manufactured in accordance with the approved design documentation organizations, which mastered the mass production and timely provision of production capacity of prospective development;
K) develop proposals for improving the design and technological level of production and experimental base organizations;
l) implementation of the recommendations contained in the opinions (reviews) of the state customers of arms, military and special equipment, including in the part concerning standardization, unification, manufacturability and metrological assurance of the developed models of weapons and military equipment and their parts;
m) timely preparation for release of new and modernized samples of weapons and military equipment, developed under his leadership, in return, be removed from production.
17. Mandatory consultation with the chief designer to be questions regarding:
a) increase resource and extend the service life, improve the quality and competitiveness of the developed samples of weapons and military equipment;
b) development of cost estimates for procurement of components, equipment and materials, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, use and development of research and experimental base necessary for the creation of samples of armament and military equipment on the basis of planned volumes;
C) reduction and redistribution of allocated financial and logistic resources, adjustment of the timing of research and development works in case of change of indicators of the state defense order;
g) transfer of results of intellectual activities and technologies of military, special and dual-use technical documentation for the products of military, special and dual designation, created at accomplishment of research, developmental and technological works under his guidance and the use of these results and the documentation, including patents for invention, useful model or industrial sample;
d) appointment and dismissal of the heads of the scientific and technical divisions of the organization and associate contractors;
e) changes in the organizational structure and the number of scientific research, development and test departments of the organization and associate contractors;
g) the appointment and dismissal of the chief designers of the products included in the developed models of weapons and military equipment.
18. The General constructor shall report its findings to the head of the organization and (or) the members of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation.
19. The procedure for the appointment of chief designers, are not participating in the project determined by the Board of the Military-industrial Commission of the Russian Federation.
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