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Obtaining water from air by the effect of hypercompensation.
Obtaining water from air by the effect of hypercongestion is a very simple, safe, inexpensive and effective technology. For the functioning of the unit receiving the water does not need any energy sources. The plant uses only solar energy from the Sun. The equipment for water works on the principle of “set and forget”. Installation with a capacity of 1500 litres per day of light occupies a plot of land, illuminated by the sun, with a size of 3×3 meters. In the city it can be placed on the roof of the house
The technology is awaiting funding!
Obtaining water from air by the effect of hypercompensation
Advantages of the plant for producing water from air by the effect of hypercompensation
Obtaining water from air by the effect of hypercompensation:
Getting water out of the air with minimal energy consumption, and even without them is a promising technology.
Existing generators of water from the atmosphere have a number of disadvantages: expensive, have low productivity, is unable to meet the growing requirements for water in connection with the growth of population, growth of industrial and agricultural production. But they are used because better handsets. Needs new sources of clean water, which would not have these drawbacks. Some of these new sources of water are installation, extracting water from the atmosphere using the effect of hypercompensation.
The technology is very simple, reliable, not way and very effective. Based on the principle of diffusion of gases under the artificial formation of dew point. In fact it is not one but a whole alloy technologies, complementary to each other.
The principle of condensation of water, from containing it in vapor form the air, are well known. Thanks to solar energy this process is many times increased. Effect called hypercondria.
The installation, created on this principle, are easy to design, have no moving components and assemblies, and hence in them there is nothing to break, get water from air without using any traditional and conventional sources of energy.
Installation, use and convert, for the water the energy received from the Sun. They don’t need to work no fuel, no electricity. Solar panels also are used.
These units require minimal maintenance and repairs and can work completely autonomously, with high productivity for dozens of years running, all year round in the deserts and hot climates, and warm seasons in mid-latitudes.
Ideal conditions for the most efficient operation of the plants are high humidity and sunlight. Such conditions most relevant to the coastal regions of the world between the Parallels of 50 North and South latitude. But the installation will be fine to work in the conditions of the Libyan desert, one of the driest places on the planet where the relative humidity does not exceed 35%.
Projected installations for the production of fresh water have several options to modular design and capacity: from 1 500 to 125 000 liters of water per day. Water quality is comparable with spring, does not require any additional clearing and fully ready for use, and packaging for storage and transportation.
Advantages of the plant for producing water from air by the effect of hypercompensation:
for the functioning of the unit receiving the water does not need any energy sources
– the plant uses only solar energy from the Sun,
– installation for producing water from air has a small footprint. For placement and operation of the installation with a capacity of 1,500 litres per day of light needed nezatenyaemoe land illuminated by the sun, measuring only 3×3 meters. In the city it can be placed on the roof of the house
– the life of the facility working on the principle of hypercongestion is at least 25 years
– installation works on the principle of “set and forget”,
– installation, operating on the principle of hypercongestion, have no moving components and assemblies, and hence in them there is nothing to break,
– installation does not require maintenance and can operate completely autonomously,
– low installation cost.
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