Obtaining silicon by a carbothermic method.
Obtaining silicon by a carbothermic method is environmentally friendly chlorine-free technology of solar silicon with purity better than 99.999% and is carried out in a shaft plasma furnace.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Installation diagram of production of silicon by a carbothermic method
Obtaining silicon by a carbothermic method is environmentally friendly chlorine-free technology of solar silicon with a purity better than 99.999% and is carried out in a shaft plasma furnace.
The process of obtaining solar silicon is implemented in a plasma shaft furnace in which the quartz grains loaded on top of the shaft furnace above the electrodes of the plasma torch located in the lower part of the furnace.
In the area of electric arc discharge burning between the electrodes of the plasma torch is fed by any hydrocarbon material with the addition of water vapor. Flow of hydrocarbons and water vapor is carried out through a special device or through the electrodes of the plasma torch.
Regulation of the ratio of hydrocarbon and water vapor get in the furnace chamber high recovery gas mixture mainly consisting of free carbon, carbon-monoxide and hydrogen, in different proportions.
When oncoming traffic quartzite and a reducing gaseous mixture in the shaft furnace there is a restoration of silicon, flowing down to the bottom of the furnace, where it is a and refining. Through the cage or through the drive when the silicon is removed from the oven.
– environmentally friendly chlorine-free technology for producing silicon
– economic impact – 450 rubles per 1 kg of solar silicon with purity better than 99,999%.
Installation diagram of production of silicon by a carbothermic method – mine plasma furnace:
1. Frame.
2. The furnace housing.
3. Lining.
4. Pusher-current source.
5. The movement of the electrodes.
6. Electrodes.
7. The loading mechanism of the raw material.
8. The movable bars.
9. Hole of the bypass.
10. Shutter bypass.
11. The pusher grid.