Nesmachnyi the complex “Diamond”
Nesmachnyi the complex “Diamond”
Nesmachnyi the complex “Diamond” is intended to increase the resource of internal combustion engines increase power by 10-15 %, reduce the consumption of oil and fuel by 7-10 %, increasing the life of the oil is 1.5-2 times.
Description nanomateri complex “Diamond”
The benefits of using nanomateri complex “Diamond”
Description nanomateri complex “Diamond”:
Nesmachnyi the complex “Diamond” is intended to increase the resource of engines of internal combustion and oil is a non-abrasive slurry of nanodiamonds rounded and structured nanocarbon with a particle size of 4-6 nm (0,004 – 0,006 µm) freely passing through the oil filter.
As is known, motor oil contain various additives, which are divided into:
– additives for improving the properties of base oil (thickening agents, depressants),
– additives that protect the oil (antioxidants, anti-foam, deactivator metals),
– additives which protect the oil-lubricated surface (detergent-dispersant, extreme pressure, corrosion inhibitors).
However, engine oil is not able to protect parts of the engine against wear by friction. The wear and tear of engine parts for every thousand kilometers is from 0.5 to 4 micrometers. When significant engine wear increased engine noise, fuel consumption and oil.
To increase maintenance-free mileage of the engine it is necessary to produce hardening of the surfaces of friction pairs (parts) of a non-abrasive nanodiamonds. Penetrating into the crystal lattice of the metal to a depth of 1-2 micrometer, nanodiamonds increase the surface wear resistance of the parts of the engine to values (1600 HV), comparable to that of wear resistant hard alloy, which dramatically reduces their wear. At the same time on two or three classes of roughness improves the surface friction of parts, which reduces engine noise. Carbon nanoparticles work as a set of bearings, greatly reducing the coefficient of friction up to 0,03-0,07, that is 3-5 times lower than the friction of metal on metal in an oil environment – i.e., before processing.
A tangible effect (boost, oil pressure, improve compression, fuel economy, increased power, etc.) from using nanomateri complex “Diamond” is beginning to emerge after 500 to 700 km.
The benefits of using nanomateri complex “Diamond”:
Use nanomateri complex “Diamond” in the motor oil gives you the following effect:
– increase the resource and maintenance-free mileage engine in 2-2,5 times,
– increase engine power by 10-15 %,
– improvement of wear resistance of details of the engine,
– the shortening of the running (new and after the overhaul of engines) 1.5-2 times,
– reduction of the engine noise,
– lowering the freezing temperature (glass transition threshold oil) 5-10 OS. Enables easy starting of engine in winter, improves protection against wear pad,
– increase oil life by 1.5-2 times,
– reducing the consumption of oil and fuel by 7-10% (due to lower friction coefficient is 3-5 times),
– prevent chemical destruction of the metal (hydrogen wear),
– cleaning the engine from slag, sludge and slag,
– increase the efficiency of the engine running on gas.
Note: the description of technology in example nanomateri complex “Diamond”.
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