Needle coke, its manufacture and use.
Needle coke is the raw material used to manufacture ultra-reliable graphite electrodes, used in metallurgical production – the smelting of special steel in electric arc furnaces.
Production and application of needle coke
Needle coke:
Needle coke is the raw material used for the manufacture of highly reliable graphite electrodes, possessing such desired properties as low coefficient of thermal expansion, high electrical conductivity, high density, high mechanical strength, high graphite content and low content of sulfur, nitrogen and ash, and operate at the high specific current load (up to 35 A/cm2).
Needle coke is so named because it has elongated structure resembling a thick needle or a sintered fiber.
This type of coke is significantly different from the average electrode coke pronounced anisotropy of the fibers, a low content of heterotrimeric, high specific gravity, good graphicelement, higher temperature resistance and significantly reduces the consumption of electrodes per ton of steel.
Production and application of needle coke:
Electrodes made of needle coke, used in metallurgical production – the smelting of special steel in electric arc furnaces.
Needle coke is produced in delayed coking units of low-sulfur distillate aromatic residues thermal cracking, gas oil catalytic cracking and extracts oil production or heavy resin pyrolysis of hydrocarbons.
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