Nanodevices – a thermal insulation material made from fine wood trimmed fibres of which removed lignin and most of hemicellulose.
Nanodevices – a thermal insulation material made from fine wood trimmed fibres of which removed lignin and most of hemicellulose.
The lignin and hemicellulose give wood color and good thermal conductivity. Deprived of these substances, wood is a good insulator and has a white color.
Nanodevices is a skeleton of fine and durable wood hollow channels. The air, and therefore heat in nanographene moves and is transmitted only in the direction of the channels thereon. Heat transfer and air movement in a transverse plane in the other directions is practically impossible.
But because nanodevices can be used not only as insulating materialbut due to its flexibility as a material for the transfer and flow of heat in the desired direction.
Properties and benefits:
– flexible,
– light material,
– very durable. Stands pressure up to 14 MPa,
– due to its thermal insulating properties superior to foam, and polystyrene foam,
– biodegradable,
– environmentally friendly,
– harmless to humans and the environment
– is white as paper, reflects the light.
Note: © Photo