The mixed gas, the composition, obtaining and application.
Mixed gas is a flammable gas, mixed gas, the composition intermediate between the generator and water gas.
The mixed gas, the composition, obtaining and application:
Mixed gas is a flammable gas, mixed gas, the composition intermediate between the generator and water gas.
As a rule, the composition of the mixed gas with the following:
– CO – 30 vol. %,
– N2 – 50. %,
– CO2 – 5. %,
– H2 is 15 about. %.
Mixed gas receive simultaneous blowing of a mixture of airenriched with oxygen and steam through a layer of hot coal. Thus, the method of obtaining the mixed gas is a mixture of methods of obtaining the generator and water gases hence the name – mixed gas.
Mixed gas is also obtained when reforming gaseous hydrocarbons and gasification of liquid hydrocarbons under pressure.
Industrial plant for producing mixed gas was first proposed in 1878 by Joseph Emerson Dawson, so in his honor, the mixture is also called gas Dawson or Dassanowsky gas.
The calorific value of mixed gas is about 1200-1600 kcal/m3.
The mixed gas in addition to production of thermal energy used in the synthesis of ammonia and other products of chemical industry.
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