
Means of technical diagnostics of high-voltage lines “Kanatoko”

Means of technical diagnostics of high-voltage lines “Kanatoko” in automatic mode.



Means of technical diagnostics of high-voltage lines “Kanatoko” in automatic mode controls the high voltage lines using a range of measuring instruments.






Means of technical diagnostics of high-voltage lines “Kanatoko” in automatic mode controls the high-voltage line, using a variety of measuring devices.

Tens of thousands of kilometers of high voltage lines per year to walk around and through the binoculars trying to see the flaws at a height of over 40 meters. “Kanatoko” allows to perform check-UPS ten times more efficient for less money.

The complex consists of the unmanned helicopter and truck. The helicopter is used for installing and removing the truck. Truck moves through the ground wire high voltage line. “Kanatoko” scans the track (have grosotto controls and power leads, performs thermal and UV control), builds a map, detects defects, recording and transmitting data.

The device provides a stable connection to overhead lines (110, 220 and 500 kV), reliable movement along high-voltage lines (110, 220 and 500 kV), convenient removal installation and return to base.



– low energy losses when moving along the cable,

spatial delivery of the diagnostic equipment without disconnecting high-voltage lines,

– detailed qualitative inspection,

no vibration,

– the use of contact devices,

low cost,

– high performance,

automation of manual labor.


Note: the description of technology on the example of technical diagnostics of high-voltage lines “Kanatoko”.


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