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High-performance multi-tiered hydroponic setup for growing vegetables, green crops, etc.
Low price, ease of installation is one of the most advanced technologies for intensive, energy-saving, environmentally friendly cultivation of vegetables, berries, flowers, herbaceous crops, etc. in the greenhouse method of multistoried hydroponics escosteguy (ICC). Stacked hydroponic system uses up to 98 % of the volume of greenhouses allows to increase the planting area of greenhouses in 4-5 times and the number of the cultivation of plants to 4-9 per year, but also increases the yield of early production in natural light 2-3 times.
To buy the product
The productivity of the technology (comparison table)
Indicators of economic efficiency
Comparison of costs annual expenses
Projects based on multi-tiered narrowshelving hydroponics
Low price, ease of installation is one of the most advanced technologies for intensive, energy-saving, environmentally friendly cultivation of vegetables, berries, flowers, herbaceous crops, etc. in the greenhouse method of multistoried hydroponics escosteguy (ICC).
The products obtained by the method of multistoried narrowshelving hydroponics, besides the excellent quality, has a low cost and high yield of marketable products.
– low cost,
– multi-tiered hydroponic system uses up to 98 % of the volume of greenhouses,
– environmentally friendly cultivation of crops
– significant reduction of harmful substances in the production of: nitrate (up to 30-40 mg/kg), etc., – 8-10 times lower than that correspond to the indicators for child, diet,etc.
– low price, ease of installation allows to increase the planting area of greenhouses in 4-5 times,
– the increase in the yield of early production in natural lighting 2-3 times,
– increase of the cultivation of plants to 4-9 in the year,
– seal of planting plants to 25-30 PCs/sqm
– the possibility to gradually expand the volume of production,
– reducing the amount of soil at 1 meter 4-6 times, and 1 plant 3-4 times,
– multi-tiered hydroponic system simplifies the control of pests and diseases
– simplification of the technological access to and control of staff over the root system of individual plants,
– provision of individual treatment plants (resuscitation trolley, biccamera),
– low price, ease of installation eliminates diseases of plants nematode,
– an exception to the system subsoil heating, which in itself reduces the heat consumption by 20%
– providing simultaneous and uniform supply of plants in trays with a single feed system the nutrient solution,
– reduced costs of water for 1 kg of product in 2,0-2,5 times in comparison with drip irrigation or conventional hydroponic plants
– to provide the desired circulation of the nutrient solution most favorable for root nutrition of plants
– ensuring tight binding of plants in the volume of the greenhouse, allowing the use of robotics,
– holding to 6-9 (40-50 days) of turnover per year, providing continuous year-round yield of vegetables (“green line”),
– the intensification of the processes of growing crops at all stages of the technological process,
– low price, ease of installation allows to reduce by 4-5 times cenotic effect of individual plants,
– increase productivity of individual plants up to 5-6 kg,
– a decrease in the total heat consumption by 50-75%, which is achieved through the placement of 80% of the heating devices in the area of plants
– increased productivity by 30% only due to the additional air movement in the area cenosis without equipment additional engineering systems,
– increase crop yields 2-3 times or more compared to conventional (“the gas pedal of greenhouse agriculture”),
– ensuring crop yields at a high level from 120 to 1 500 kg. of fruit and vegetable products from 1 m2 per year, 2-3 times and more times greater than with conventional hydroponic plants or systems,drip irrigation
– increasing the productivity in 2.5-3.0 times,
– multi-tiered hydroponic system provides ecological cleanliness of production in relation to the environment.
The productivity of the technology (comparison table):
Technology afy intensive production process is organized in a horizontal cenosis with the density of the planting (24 PCs/m2) at a height of 0.4 m. in the absence of optimization of technological schemes of cenosis and irradiation process plants.
Indicators of economic efficiency:
Compare greenhouses with multistoried narrowshelving hydroponics (ICC) and the Dutch technology.
Comparison of costs annual costs:
Comparison of costs annual operating costs in the cultivation of greenhouse vegetables using a variety of technologies in climate zones where the outdoor temperature is 20 °C.
Projects based on multi-tiered narrowshelving hydroponic:
industrial greenhouses:
Performance cultures: flowers – 800-1200 PCs/m2 per year; the bow – 8-15 kg per sq. m per revolution of 10-12 days, the vegetable production – 120-150 kg/m2 to 1500-1600 kg/m2 per year (due to the increase in the number of kulturportal);
– equipment of premises technology MOOG;
– recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) for sturgeon:
The performance of the RAS – 90-100 kg/m2 per year;
– 3 in 1 – recirculation aquaculture systems for sturgeon + strawberry + mushrooms from 25 m2:
Performance: RAS (90-100 kg/m2 per year), champinones (100-120 kg/m2 per year), strawberries (120-150 kg/m2 per year );
– 3 in 1 – greenhouse – Turkey (or balerna) – vegetable store:
The performance area of 25 square meters: greenhouse – 120-150 kg/m2 to 1500-1600 kg/m per year. (depending on the number of kulturportal), meat indyushatiny – (details to be confirmed), poultry, meat, broiler: 7834 kg. per year. (960 chickens in one volume sits on 25 square meters), vegetable storage – 30 ton (example – the purchase of potatoes in the fall is cheaper, selling more expensive in the spring);
– 2-in-1 – vegetable store + greenhouse:
Performance: greenhouse of 5000 m2, the yield of 120-150 kg/m2 to 1500-1600 kg/m2 per year. (depending on the number of kulturportal), vegetable store – an area of 5,000 m2, storage 12 thousand tons.