Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” increases productivity in 2 times machine technique for making soil introduction types and characteristics of the buy price of vermicompost

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” increases productivity in 2 times.



Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” contains all the necessary components of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, macro – and microelements) in solution in the ratio needed for the plants. The fertilizer also contains active biological stimulants are a class of auxin, which increases the yield in 2 and more times, depending on the type of crops, soil conditions and climatic conditions.




Method of application

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Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” contains all the necessary components of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, macro – and microelements) in solution in the ratio needed for the plants. The fertilizer also contains active biological stimulants are a class of auxin, which increases the yield in 2 and more times, depending on the type of crops, condition of soils and climatic conditions.

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” passed laboratory tests in Vologda dairy-economic Academy.Vereshchagin. In result of the conducted researches it was established that the fertilizer “COUD” in its composition is 100 times more efficient than manure.

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” is produced by waste-free processing of organic waste in a biogas plant.

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” is used in all climatic zones for all types of soil, increasing its fertility and improving the environmental condition.

1 litre of concentrated liquid organic fertilizers “COUD” in its effect and impact on the growth of plants and crop yield equivalent to 100 kg of cow manure.

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” does not contain pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms, helminth eggs, weed seeds, nitrates and nitrites, specific fecal odors.

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” non-toxic, fire and explosion safe, does not form harmful and toxic compounds in soil. The effects on the body in accordance with GOST 12.2.007 components of the product belong to 4 class of danger.

The temperature conditions of storage of fertilizer from -40 to +15°C. Warranty period of storage – 1 year.



– effect on crops immediately after soil application,

increases productivity of plants in 2-3 times

– increases plant resistance to adverse environmental influences,

reduces soil acidity,

– 100 times more efficient than manure: 1 liter of concentrated liquid organic fertilizers “COUD” in its effect and impact on plant growth and crop replace 100 kg of cow dung,

does not contain pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms and so on.,

– environmentally friendly: non-toxic, does not form harmful and toxic compounds in soil,

contains everything needed for plants components: organic matter, macro and micronutrients,

– applicable to all agricultural and ornamental crops,

contains active biological stimulants are a class of auxin.


Method of application:

Liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” is necessary for all types of agricultural and ornamental crops. It is recommended to use fertilizer at least 3-4 times per season for all crops.

This liquid organic fertilizer “COUD” is highly concentrated and, depending on the state of feeding the plants before use, dilute at least 20 times. Before fertilizing need soil under the plants to moisten. Applied by surface irrigation of the soil or injected directly into the soil. 1 liter of concentrated fertilizer “COUD” is sufficient to treat from 2 to 15 sq. m. of soil.

Application rate of diluted liquid fertilizer “COUD”:

fruit and berry trees and shrubs at least 3 times in the spring after the snow cover at the beginning and at the end of flowering at 10-15 liters per 1 sq. m. tree trunks of plants,
potatoes – 10 l per 1 sq. m. in the budding stage,
cabbage – by 0.2 l for each hive 2-3 weeks after planting, conduct a re-feeding after 2 weeks
cucumbers, zucchini, squash – 1.5 l under every Bush every 1-2 weeks
tomatoes, peppers and other Solanaceae – 1 l under every Bush,
greens (dill, parsley, salad) – 2 l per 1 sq. m of beds with continuous irrigation,
strawberries and strawberry – 0.5 l under every Bush 3 times per season, in spring after snow cover in the beginning and the end of flowering
decorative flowers – 2 liters per 1 sq. m.

When combining topdressing with irrigation, depending on the condition of the plants “COUD” is diluted with water in a ratio of from 1:50 to 1:70. Watering is carried out as the drying of the soil and plants need for water.

Recommended for new plantings for the best survival of plants.


Note: the description of technology by the example of liquid organic fertilizer “Coud”.

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