Jewelry 3d printer that prints in precious metals and alloys.
Jewelry 3d printer based on selective laser melting of metal powders. It allows to significantly reduce production time and loss and also gives new possibilities to design and obtain previously inaccessible forms and properties of jewelry.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Jewelry 3d printer is another field of application of additive technologies. Jewelers spend time and health for the manufacture of products that a 3D printer can print in standalone mode on a given computer model. It is enough to show imagination, to create a model, load it together with the powder of precious alloy or metal (gold, silver, etc.) to the printer and wait a few hours.
This development is based on the selective laser fusion of metal powders. It allows to significantly reduce production time and loss and also gives new possibilities to design and obtain previously inaccessible forms and properties of products.
– reduction of production time,
– reduction of losses,
– new possibilities for design, creating new forms and properties of products,
– high precision manufacturing products