Installation for three-dimensional printing of articles made of graphite.
Installation for three-dimensional printing of articles made of graphite (a 3D printer “Turboprint”) works FDM technology (modeling layer-by-layer fused deposition modeling). Installation for three-dimensional printing “Turboprint” print a product layer by layer. Each finished layer is annealed by laser, providing product strength.
Installation for three-dimensional printing of graphite products (3D printer, which has received the name “Turboprint”) works FDM technology (modeling layer-by-layer fused deposition modeling).
Installation for three-dimensional printing “Turboprint” print a product layer by layer. Each finished layer is annealed by laser, providing product strength. The laser beam is positioned inside the mirror system with electric. It allows you to quickly heat a small area to the desired temperature. The temperature of the layer during and after firing is monitored using a thermal imaging camera, allowing to obtain accurate data about the temperature of the product and change the settings of the laser in the process. With the help of laser radiation, the installation of sinter layers of carbon of the mixture to solidification, which is melting the binder, polymerization within the alloy of organic matter and other physico-chemical processes. As a result, the light quickly enough you receive product of the highest level of strength.
To exclude interaction of the hot layer oxygen, as well as for capturing dust particles on the heated layer in the enclosure and on the mirror of the printer is fed with protective gas. Sealed enclosure 3D printer allows you to create basicsliderui environment inside the printer, reduce the cost of inert gas and to protect personnel from substances released in the course of work. All this makes the technology greener than other ways of producing similar products.
Building material in 3D printer is a special carbon mixture of graphite or coke with the addition of binders.
Products made by this technology, this 3D printerhave high physical-mechanical properties (density from 1.73 g/cm3, tensile strength in compression up to 127 MPa, the thermal conductivity of 87 W/(m*K), specific resistivity of not more than 14,3 μω*m; ash content not more than 0.01%) and are not inferior to the majority of graphite products obtained industrially.
– universality. The facility can produce a variety of products from various carbon mixtures under almost any targets,
– the printer is implemented technology of 3d printing,
– has no analogues.
Note: the description of technology in example of installation for three-dimensional printing “Turboprint”.