Installation for liquefied natural gas with the minimization of energy consumption and simplification of operation.
Modular installation for liquefied natural gas “LNG DETA” with basic performance 500-4000 kg/h allows for low-tonnage production of liquefied natural gas, and can be used for the development of small remote gas resources and produce LNG from pipeline gas for the purpose of its sale to consumers.
The peculiarity in comparison with used technologies
The principle of operation of the unit
Modular installation for liquefied natural gas “LNG DETA” with basic performance 500-4000 kg/h allows for low-tonnage production of liquefied natural gas, and can be used for the development of small remote gas resources and produce LNG from pipeline gas for the purpose of its sale to consumers.
The installation can be used at the place of extraction of natural gas (marginal gas wells) and in the oil fields, where is an output of associated gas with a low content of heavy fractions.
Installation for liquefied natural gas “LNG DETA” can work in the vicinity of the gas pipeline of high and medium pressure, producing LNG which can be delivered by vehicles (road or rail tank cars) to the place of consumption.
Possible the unit operation on landfill gas and coal mine methane, and also for liquefaction of natural gas medium pressure in terms of cities and towns with a view to its delivery to gas stations.
The peculiarity in comparison with used technologies:
Usually technology small-scale LNG production based on the effect of temperature reduction during expansion of the gas flow in the throttle valve — the effect of Joule-Thomson, or using an expansion engine — expander.
Used in “DETA LNG” technology of gas liquefaction involves the cooling and condensation of gas with the help of external nitrogen refrigeration cycle without including the effect of Joule-Thomson cooling of the methane flow, which minimizes energy costs and simplifies the operation of the installation in the field.
The benefits of installing:
security. Working fluid in this plant is nitrogen, which by its nature is an inert gas. In the liquefaction process of natural gas remains at constant pressure. Not used lubricating oil and refrigerant compressors;
– energy efficiency. The energy consumption for liquefaction of natural gas is 0.6 to 0.65 kWh/kg originoo natural gas (if available in the industry indices from 1 to 1.5 kWh/CGNPG);
– mobility. In connection with the compactness of equipment and ease of installation, its implementation is possible in the form of a mobile module for quick and simplified installation on any platform without additional expensive construction and installation works;
– reliability. Installation for liquefied natural gas “LNG DETA” can work at any pressure of the feedstock (natural gas). The presence of well-developed and proven technology minimizes the technical risks and optimize the reliability of the system.
Principle of operation:
Natural gas after the separation of heavy fractions using low temperature separation (in the diagram below this process stage is not shown) is supplied under pressure 3-5 bar in the low-temperature heat exchanger-condenser (NT), where it is successively cooled to a temperature of -160°C and orialsa with minimal pressure loss. Further LNG under its own pressure is directed to a container for storage. To provide cooling and liquefaction of the methane is used a nitrogen expander-compressor unit.
Process of liquefaction of methane:
D — degree expander, expander-compressor, To the compressor stage of the expander-compressor, VC is the main compressor, DV — the main engine compressor, KKH-1 — end refrigerator main compressor, KKH-2 — end fridge compressor expander-compressor RT – regenerative (expander) heat exchanger, NT — low-temperature heat exchanger.
Note: the description of technology on the example of the installation for liquefied natural gas “LNG DETA”.