Inspection systems of the new generation.
Inspection systems of the new generation is capable of scanning objects moving at the speed of 70 km/hour, and have a high penetrating power equal to the equivalent steel thickness of 460 mm.
Non-Intrusive inspection systems (NIIS) is designed for imaging large-sized cargoes, vehicles, containers and objects of customs, border control, significantly different in size, weight, composition structural materials, high density loading of various types of transported goods in them.
IDK are made of three types:
– a stationary car,
– stationary rail,
– mobile, mounted on automobile chassis.
Based on inspection of the complex lies a new generation of accelerator of electrons with the frequency of the pulse electron beam up to 2000 Hz. Robotic system complex controls the characteristics of accelerated electron beam and scan mode. Thus, the IIR is capable of scanning objects moving at the speed of 70 km/hour, and have the penetrating power equal to the equivalent steel thickness of 460 mm.
The principle of operation of the IIR next. The accelerator generates radiationwhich is collimated in the fan-shaped beam in such a manner to accurately hit on the detector line. Accordingly, when the complex moves and shines through the object, a computer system complex is formed radioscopic fully scanned high-definition image, which is displayed on the monitor screen. The operator analyzes the received radioscopic image on the monitor. In addition, the computer system recognizes IDK atomic number of the scanned material, provides evaluative weighing of the object (cargo).
– world’s first speed inspection trains at speeds up to 70 km per hour,
– the high penetration ability of the complex, equal to the equivalent steel thickness of 460 mm
– high quality radioscopic image of the test object,
– significantly reduces inspection of goods and property,
– high quality material detection,
– does not require opening of the container, the object and the vehicle, as well as manual checking of cargo,
– automatic content inspection of goods for compliance with shipping documents
– high effectiveness in detecting prohibited items and substances
– the ability to remotely host the complex and its operation in automatic mode with integration in IT-structure,
– operation in various climatic conditions.
Note: the description of technology in example, the IIR of the company “Scantronic systems”.