“Indestructible” alloy of titanium and tantalum

“Indestructible” alloy of titanium and tantalum.



“Indestructible” alloy of titanium and tantalum has a high resistance to corrosion in aggressive environment and are able to serve much longer than existing alloys.



Created the “indestructible” alloy of titanium and tantalum, which has a high resistance to corrosion in aggressive environment, are able to serve much longer than existing alloys.

To test corrosion resistance in an aggressive environment scientists have made from plates obtained alloy small chemical reactor with a volume of several liters. Then poured concentrated nitric acid, brought it to a boil, pre-weighed reactor. Acid was boiled for several days, and weighed showed that the reactor is almost not lost weight. This means that the materialthe alloyfrom which it is made, is not destroyed by the influence of aggressive environment. A recalculation of the rate of destruction of the material shows that the chemical reactor of the “indestructible” alloy could work, at least for 30 years without interruption.

“Indestructible” alloy can be used in nuclear and chemical industries, in chemical engineering.

The advantage of this alloy is the fact that it can napravlyaetsya on the work surface, the result is high productivity of the process of manufacturing the necessary equipment.