The enhanced oil recovery method of plasma-impulse influence.
Plasma-pulse impact significantly increases the production rate of oil wells, initiated in the natural (real) geological conditions without additives of chemicals in any water cut wells and contributes to the emergence of a parametric resonance in the system. Resonance oscillations persist for more than six months, and all the while the earth continues to “shake out” of oil and gas. For example, on marginal wells crude oil production increased from 60 to 1400 barrels per day.
The description of technology of plasma-impulse impact
Features and advantages of the technology of plasma-impulse impact
The technology of plasma-impulse impact
The description of technology of plasma-impulse influence:
The oil field is like a layer cake, soaked with oil. For its extraction at the well bore is a variety of perforations. But the problem is that only in the movies, the oil has a fountain. In real life the oil – impregnated dense rock, very reluctantly giving her and quickly clogging the filters. That’s why for cleaning of the perforations used in acid and bursting, and the permeability increase by hydraulic fracturing — is injected into the well large amounts of fluids to a sharp rise in pressure in the bottomhole zone caused the formation of cracks in the formation. But all these methods have their drawbacks and limitations, the average recovery factor of oil in Russia — 23-25%.
When using a plasma-impulse exposure as a method of enhanced oil recovery increases the permeability of bottom-hole zone of the well, increasing hydrodynamic connection oil reservoir with bottom hole cleaning of old and new channels of filtration, purification of the pore space and the formation of new cracks in the bottomhole zone of the well and the filtration channels of the formation.
Plasma-pulse impact is initiated in the natural (real) geological conditions without additives of chemical reagents at any watering hole, and contributes to the emergence of a parametric resonance in the system.
Plasma-pulse exposure is carried out with the help of the generator plasma.
The plasma generator is a tube with a thickness of 102 mm and a length of 4 meters. Inside her , the batteries and the system of capacitors that store the energy. At the working end of the spark gap with a small reel of the calibrated wire of a special alloy. The generator is lowered into the well, continuing to eat and be controlled by wire from the surface. At the discharge 55 microseconds, all the energy supplied to the wire, which vaporizes the metal in the plasma, forming a pulsating gas bubble with a pressure of up to 550 atmospheres. First pulse cleans the perforation, removing the plugging – breed, clogging the pores. The following pulses are propagated through the formation, creating cracks.
Plasma generator – a source of oscillations allocates a significant amount of power with high temperature (25000-28000 OS) for a short period of time (50-53 ISS), generates a shock wave with a pressure that greatly exceeds the reservoir. Due to the technological limitations of the shock wave is directed through the perforations on the profile of the channels. Internally generated periodic oscillations in the environment (productive accumulation) with a significant amplitude. The generator of plasma-pulse impact is the perfect broadband (1-12000 Hz) non-linear exciter. Called in the reservoir of the resonant vibrations allow you to clean up the existing and to create new filtration channels at a distance of over 1500 meters from the center of influence.
In addition to large-scale impact of the creation of the plasma allows to solve local problems in the bottomhole zone of wells. Instant expansion of the plasma creates a shock wave and the subsequent cooling, and compression of the plasma causes a reverse flow in the well through the perforations, which at the initial stage of treatment wells contributes to the removal of bridging substances in the well bore.
Explosive technology was used to increase the oil production before, but the chemical explosions is limited by the series only a few dozen in one trip and cannot be dosed precisely according to place, time, and power. And generator the plasma is able to make a single descent to the thousands of precise pulses, which allows to use it to create resonance.
Plasma-pulse impact creates favorable conditions contributing to the migration of oil and gas in rocks of different permeability. The formation of new cracks and channels in the pillars, lenses, stub zones between wells and also in the pores of the moist layer. Plasma-pulse impact on productive reservoir can be considered as “nonlinear interaction of broadband perfect of the pathogen with a nonlinear oscillator”. In a nonequilibrium environment, even small perturbations cause disproportionate results. The coincidence of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the broadband excitation source (plasma pulse) with a circular frequency of nonlinear oscillator (productive reservoir) there is an effect of parametric resonance.
Resonance oscillations persist for more than six months, and all the while the earth continues to “shake” themselves from oil and gas.
For example, the enhanced oil recovery method of plasma-impulse influence on marginal wells produced an increase of oil production from 60 to 1400 barrels per day.
Features and advantages of the technology of plasma-impulse influence:
ecological cleanliness, working in the natural and geological conditions of wells with no added reagents,
– plasma-impulse impact is used at every watering wells
– improves the permeability of near-wellbore area of production and injection wells and producing reservoirs in General,
– significantly increases the production rate of oil wells operated on deposits in late development stage
times increases capacity of wells, regardless of their previous appointments
– the effect on neighboring wells treated, to respond positive debit,
technology yields positive results in the deposits in reservoirs of any geological complexity,
– safe to use,
– reduces the period of development of new wells and the period of its introduction on the mode of operation.
The technology of plasma-impulse influence:
– the inflow of fluid into the well at the stage of development in the reservoirs of any geological complexity,
– increase the production rate wells at any water content
– increase the flow rate of producing wells in the late stage of development. Water cut is significantly reduced, and productivity increases
– increase injectivity of injection wells in reservoirs of any complexity,
– the alignment of the profile injectivity of injection wells.