
Humic preparations – stimulators of growth and development of plants at home reviews

Humic products – humates to increase the productivity and obtaining environmentally friendly products.



As growth stimulants and organic-mineral fertilizers and soil widely used in humic products – humates. This group of natural high-molecular substances, which are characterized by high physiological activity. They contribute to the increase in yield of major crops and improving the quality of agricultural products.


A description of the problem

Solution description

Description of humic substances – humic substances

Humic preparations can be


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Problem description:

The presence in foods of nitrate, nitrite, pesticides, herbicides, etc. affects the health of the world’s population and leads to the development of many diseases, primarily allergic in nature. The accumulation in soil of chemical compounds used in agriculture, causes a sharp deterioration in its fertility, regardless of climatic zones and soil types.

It is a vicious circle: the deterioration of fertility leads to lower yields and requires larger and larger doses of mineral fertilizers to the productivity of agricultural crops. This leads to a further decline in fertility, forcing to increase the doses of mineral fertilizers. As a result, the mankind still face the problem of ensuring high productivity of agricultural crops and protection of plants from diseases.


Solution description:

Alternative fertiliser and chemical seed treatments and fungicides – biological drugs.

The current top of biologics are bacteria and microscopic fungi that live in the soil. By long selection from their number selected microorganisms which survive well in the rhizosphere or on plant roots and exert a positive effect on the growth and development of crops. For humans and animals, these microorganisms are extremely safe and when applied to the soil can improve its fertility.


Stimulation of own immune system of plants allows to induce in plants a complex non-specific resistance to many diseases of fungal, bacterial and viral origin, and other adverse environmental factors (drought, temperature stress, etc.).

The mechanism of action of biological drugs is to enhance an endomycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal plants. This helps improve crop yields 15-30% with use of fewer fertilizers, normalization of the mineral composition of plant biomass, decrease crop losses from disease.

The main distinguishing feature of this group of drugs from other means of plant protection is the ability to affect pests through stimulation of protective properties of plants, rooted in the process of evolution. Use this feature to crop production practices allows us to more fully realize the potential of integrated programs of plant protection, ensuring the sustainability of agricultural systems.

The plant growth regulators have been successfully used to eliminate the periodicity of fruiting, acceleration of flowering and ripening. Experience shows that to obtain high effect of growth regulators should be applied at various stages of growth and development of plants, especially as each drug has its own “specialty”.

Stimulators of plant growth can be divided into three groups:

drugs that increase the immune resistance of plants under different external adverse factors;

drugs that promote flowering and the formation of ovaries and fruits;

drugs that stimulate rooting.


Description of humic substances – humic substances:

As growth stimulants and organic-mineral fertilizers and soil widely used in humic products – humates. This group of natural high-molecular substances, which are characterized by high physiological activity. They are not toxic, not carcinogenic, not mutagenic and have no embryological activity. Humates increase the ability of organisms to withstand adverse environmental conditions, leading to increased yield of crops.

Humic preparations (substances) are a specific group of high molecular weight dark-colored substances formed during decomposition of organic residues in the soil by synthesis of the decay and putrefaction of dead vegetable and animal tissues, that is in the process of humification. The amount of carbon bound in humic acids of soil, peat, coal, almost four times the amount of carbon bound in organic matter all plants and animals on the globe. But humic preparations (substances) is not just a waste of life processes, they are a natural and important products of the joint evolution of minerals and fauna of the Earth.

In recent years, scientists have identified a common biochemical and ecological functions of humic substances and their influence on the development of plants. Among the most important are the following:

accumulation – the ability of humic substances to accumulate long-term reserves of all nutrients, carbohydrates, amino acids in various media;

transport – education complex organic-mineral compounds with metals and trace elements, which actively migrate to the plants;

regulatory – humic substances form the coloring of the soil and regulate mineral nutrition, cation exchange, buffering and redox processes in soil.

tread – by sorption of toxic substances and radionuclides by humic substances prevent their entry into plants.


Humic preparations can be:

brown coal;

from lignin;

from peat;

from the sapropel;

from vermicompost/compost.



– decrease (25-60%) doses of mineral, primarily nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients;

humic products contribute to the increasing of yield of major crops and improvement of quality of agricultural products;

– possibility of rejection of the use of a number of expensive pesticides;

the possibility of reorientation of a number of farms on a more cost-effective production of new products, including environmentally friendly;

– full use of all kinds of organic waste management;

humic preparations enhance soil fertility, improve the health of the soil microbiota;

increased profitability of agricultural enterprises by 30-50%.


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