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Humates and technology of production of HUMATE and fertilizer on its basis with specified characteristics by oxidation of active oxygen.
Humates (humic substances, salts of humic acid – potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc.) is the best stimulator of the growth of microorganisms and plants, a natural catalyst of biochemical processes with active properties that can stimulate plant growth and development of microorganisms. They increase the yield from 50 to 250%.
HUMATE: potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc.
Feeding plants potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc. gomatam. The benefits of humates
Use of humates: potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc.
Types of produced fertilizers on the basis of HUMATE
Technology of production of HUMATE and fertilizer based on it
The advantages of the technology
HUMATE: potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc.:
Humates (humic substances, salts of humic acids, HUMATE potassiumHUMATE sodium , etc.) is the best stimulator of the growth of microorganisms and plants, a natural catalyst of biochemical processes, possessing active properties, able to stimulate the growth of plants and the growth of microorganisms.
Humates actively stimulate the immune system of the plant. Thanks to the humic acids healthier in General, both plant and the soilthat feeds it.
Humic substances are able to bind to an inactive or trudnodostizhimye compounds are toxic and radioactive elements and compounds that negatively affect the ecological situation in the nature, in particular, they can incorporate some pesticides, hydrocarbons, phenols.
Humic substances have high concentrations of organic substances and trace elements. They are absolutely harmless to soil microspheres, for plants and for humans.
The humic substances give the living organisms they need batteries gradually as their consumption, thus preserving the necessary supply of these elements for future generations. The composition of humic substances was found from 40 to 60% carbon, 3-5% nitrogen, 30-40% oxygen, and hydrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, many metallic cations, including so-called trace elements.
Because of its stability of humic substances for a long time (radiocarbon Dating of hundreds and thousands of years), thereby, assure a continuous supply of plants and microorganisms with energy and building material.
Humic substances have a multifunctional purpose including contribute to the rapid restoration of fertility of depleted soils in the shortest possible time, land reclamation, increase the yield from 50 to 250%.
Feeding potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc. gomatam. The benefits of humates:
Feeding plants potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc. gomatam :
– provides higher yields from 50% to 250%,
– activates the metabolism in living organisms,
– enhances the activity of soil microflora has on soil microcultures, long oppressed by the effects of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc., beneficial effect, recreating a diversity of useful communities of soil bacteria and fungi inherent in the natural environment,
– activates synthesis of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins,
– in the complex fertilizer significantly (1.5-2 times) increases the yield of grain and vegetable crops and also algae
– the erosion control and land rehabilitation after the exploitation of oil and gas fields, soil erosion,etc.
– the production of ecologically clean and safe products
– eliminates the negative effect on the human body,
– strengthening the immune system of plants,
– increase the utilization of mineral fertilizers
– improving the quality of agricultural products to class Bio
– to increase resistance to radiation,
– prevents the accumulation of heavy metals and pesticides. Heavy metals and pesticides HUMATE oxidized and become insoluble, so that the plant ceases to absorb completely
a one – time treatment of soil humic preparation is used to bring non-toxic form to 60% diesel, 40% oil and 20-30% fuel oil for 3-4 months
– restore the fertility of depleted soils and land reclamation in the shortest possible time
– contributes to vermiculate soils, helps to restore the natural formation of humus,
– when drilling wells, the drug helps to increase oil and gas recovery up to 50%,
– stimulates the growth of activated sludge in sewage treatment facilities,
– increased smetanoobraznaja 50% in the biogas.
Use of humates: potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE, etc.:
Potassium HUMATE, sodium HUMATE humates are used, etc.:
– in the agricultural sector. Erosion control and for rebuilding depleted soils, increase productivity in 2 and more times, the cultivation of ecologically pure organic products, the production of high quality organic fertilizers
– enterprises, producing all kinds of fertilizers
– in medicine – sorption,
– in wastewater treatment plants effluents
– in the production of biogas,
in oiland gas production: filter additives, sorption, drilling fluids.
Types of produced fertilizers on the basis of HUMATE:
– complex fertilizer based on peat, HUMATE of potassium (sodium, etc. humic substances), manure and mineral additives
– complex fertilizer based on potassium HUMATE (sodium, etc. humic substances) and mineral additives
– complex fertilizer based on potassium HUMATE (sodium, etc. humic substances), peat and manure
– potassium HUMATE (sodium, etc. humic substances) on the basis of peat.
Technology of production of HUMATE and fertilizer on its basis with specified characteristics by oxidation of active oxygen:
Among the production technologies and HUMATE-based fertilizers HUMATE stands out for the innovative technology of high-quality organic fertilizer based on potassium HUMATE by oxidation of active oxygen (“cold fusion”).
The principle of method is based on a forced oxidation of the water contained in the admixtures of the active oxygen in the chamber supersonic cavitation, with subsequent mechanical separation of the resulting precipitate.
The technology of producing HUMATE by oxidation of active oxygen (“cold fusion”) allows you to create complex organic and mineral fertilizers on the basis of HUMATE with desired characteristics for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements, etc.
The advantages of the technology of production of HUMATE and fertilizer on its basis with specified characteristics by oxidation of active oxygen:
– reduction of electricity consumption in the production process in 2,5 – 3 times,
– reduction of cycle time to 2 – 2.5 hours
– bringing the concentration of humic substances in the target product up to 95 – 105 grams per liter (from leading manufacturers – not more than 35 grams per liter ),
– thanks to the use of cold fusion completely eliminates the penetration of hormones, helminthes and pathogenic microflora, because the pressure to 10,000 atmospheres, in the process, leaves the listed groups is not the slightest chance
– ability to create high-quality complex organic and mineral fertilizers with the specified parameters for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements,etc.
– getting easily digestible, fully decontaminated with minimal organics (0.075 kW per 1 t fertilizer) energy consumption in record-breaking short terms (5-6 tons per 30 min)
– thanks to the processing of peat with no residue but sticks, stones and sand, all the mineral salts (minerals) from peat,
the size of particles in the finished product not more than 60 µm. Concentrated HUMATE has a structure, does not precipitate, easily soluble in water, not clogging the channels of hydroponic plants and due to their nanoscale fully digested the plant cell,
– low initial costs and quick return on investment ( up to 3 months)
– allows to obtain humates from peat of 10.5% on a dry matter basis (while the extraction by boiling allows to obtain a 3.5% on a dry matter basis),
– cycle time – 2-2,5 hours (while 5-7 hours of other technologies for the production of HUMATE).
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