Own home garden and orchard in the apartment (house, office).
Own home garden and orchard in the apartment (house, office) is a symbiosis of plants and humans with the benefit for each other. Plants, producing the desired vegetable, berry and other products, enrich the air of your apartment oxygen to create favorable ecological space. Freshly – 15-20 minutes from the harvesting of natural vegetable products – fruits and vegetables is the most useful for a person and increases lifespan.
Own home garden and orchard in the apartment (house, office) is a symbiosis of plants and humans with the benefit for each other. Plants, producing the desired vegetable, berry and other products, enrich the air of your apartment oxygen to create favorable ecological space.
Freshly – 15-20 minutes from the harvesting of natural vegetable products – fruits and vegetables is the most useful for a person and increases lifespan.
Own home garden and orchard in the apartment (house, office) is one of the varieties of greenhouse production of a new generation.
Own home garden and orchard in the apartment (house, office) is the cheaper cost of housing. The payback period of such houses, apartments – 5 – 10 years due to the profit from the sale of natural plodovoshch products.
1. actually residential or office area.
2. green zone – the area in which the plants grow and in which is housed a greenhouse.
Own home garden and orchard in the apartment (house, office) – green area – comprehensively integrates innovative solutions and breakthrough technologies in agricultural greenhouse production:
– cheap prefabricated greenhouse modulesthat do not require preparation of the Foundation during the construction, providing maintenance of the desired temperature with minimal heating in the cold time,
automatic climate system (climate control), providing the necessary humidity and temperature and preset temperature by time of day and in the vegetative period,
– heating systemthat provides energy savings for heating of 30% or more,
the mobile shelving system and tiers. Plants are placed in 5 or more tiers in the volume of the greenhouse (ground floor) with the distance between the layers, for example, 40 cm In total per 1 m2 accounts for 25-30 and older plants,
– automated irrigation system (hydroponic installation, drip irrigation systems, etc.). To water plants use a special structured water, which is absorbed by plants and contributes to their rapid growth, fruiting and ripening. Automated irrigation ensures the delivery of integrated organic and mineral nutrients directly into the root system of plants,
system fertilizers. Thus, the use of integrated organic and mineral natural fertilizer. Completely eliminated harmful chemical fertilizers and additives
– the lighting system. As lighting using lamps and LEDs of blue, red, orange, and green spectrum, which provide rapid growth, fruiting plants and their dosvedanya in the short daylight hours.
The above innovative solutions and breakthrough technologies in the field of agricultural production are separate systems, objects, devices, modules, are ready for independent application and use.
The solution in the form:
– agrodome,
– grobelny,
– agronomia,
– multi-tiered hydroponic greenhouse installations in the residential, office space.
– the number of revolutions of the plants (from seed planting to harvest) from 3 to 9 for the year
– increase crop yields 2-3 times or more compared to conventional,
– crop yields from 120 to 1 500 kg. of fruit and vegetable products from 1 m2 per year, 2-3 times more than with conventional hydroponic setups,
– reducing the turnaround time of plants (from sowing seed to harvest) and periods of plant growth in 2-3 times and more
– continuous year-round cycle of agricultural production, combined with the automated service
– reduction of 2-3 times or more manual labor, automation of many manual and mechanized processes
– ensuring human consumption freshly 15-20 minutes after harvesting of the crop, and therefore is useful fruit and vegetable greenhouse production, contributing to increased life expectancy,
– the cheapening of the cost of housing, houses, apartments,
– the payback period of housing, houses, apartments – 5 – 10 years at the expense of the profits from produce sales.