High-strength lightweight concrete is a fine concrete grade grade of density composition fillers wire mesh price, buy a lot of application properties specifications GOST strength of the stones blocks of the types of wall panels SNiP screed manufacturing technology of calculation of variety of materials weight for floor preparation manufacturing concrete design mixture screws
High-strength lightweight concrete has a high frost resistance and can reduce the cost of 1 m2 of housing in high-rise building 30%
High-strength lightweight concrete has the positive characteristics and benefits as compared to traditional light and heavy concretes. The most important feature of high-strength lightweight concrete and its distinctive party from the heavy concrete is almost 2 times smaller density. High-strength lightweight concrete has a high tensile strength under compression (grade M400 – M600), more than 2.5 times less thermal and thermal diffusivity.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Benefits and properties compared with other types of concrete
The advantages of using high strength lightweight concrete in construction
Properties of high-strength lightweight concrete
Materials and composition (formulation) high strength lightweight concrete
High-strength lightweight concrete is a fine-grained concrete containing no coarse aggregate (gravel, etc.). The decrease in average density is achieved by spherical particles of micrometric size which is a carbon dioxide in a solid non-porous shell. In combination with selected special method of components of cement-a mineral component of concrete and special modifying additives of hollow filler forms both dense and durable concrete structure with a rich sealed porosity.
Developed high-strength lightweight concrete is classified as a structural material-use with high performance properties (see table below).
Benefits and properties compared to other types of concretes:
High-strength lightweight concrete has the positive characteristics and benefits as compared to traditional light and heavy concretes (see table). The most important feature of high-strength lightweight concrete and its distinctive party from the heavy concrete is almost 2 times lower density. This concrete has high tensile strength under compression (grade M400 M600… ). High-strength lightweight concrete is more than 2.5 times less thermal and thermal diffusivity.
Unlike lightweight concrete high-strength lightweight concrete has high strength, low water absorption and high frost resistance and uniformity of structure by volume. High-strength lightweight concrete has mark on frost resistance of not less than F300 (with a total porosity of 33.4%), which is not attainable for traditional cellular concretes. Currently in construction it is customary to combine heavy concrete, using it as a structural material with lightweight concrete for insulation of walling. The same properties of high strength lightweight concrete allow you to combine these functions in one material.
High-strength lightweight concrete does not contain coarse aggregate (crushed stone, etc.).
Indicator: | High strength heavy concrete | Traditional lightweight concrete | High-strength lightweight concrete |
High strength | + | – | + |
Low average density | – | + | + |
High specific strength | + | – | + |
Closed porosity | + | – | + |
Low water absorption | + | – | + |
Low thermal conductivity | – | + | + |
High soundproofing | – | + | + |
High frost resistance | + | – | + |
Note: the “+” – presence of the specified quality; “–” – absence of specified quality.
High-strength lightweight concrete can be used:
– residential and public construction,
– for the erection of multi-storey and high-rise buildings and structures
– in the construction of rail and road bridges, flyovers, interchanges,
– in the manufacture of large-span of reinforced concrete products (farms, beams, girders,etc.)
– the unit of complex construction projects,
– high-strength lightweight concrete greatly expands the architectural possibilities of construction,
– special construction (nuclear industry, electricity,etc.)
– when building in a complex of soils (shoreline of rivers, lakes, seas),
– in areas with developed underground infrastructure (underground, tunnels),
– in a seismically unstable regions,
– in other areas of construction, where high demands for the operational properties of concrete, but there is a limit to the mass of products or designs, for example for the production of warm facades, the device of the balcony structures, the production of special raw materials-storage of spherical shape, etc.
The advantages of using high strength lightweight concrete in construction:
The use of high-strength lightweight concrete in construction allows:
to reduce the weight of the building and increase the maximum number of storeys (up to 40%) low medium density
– reduce requirements for bases and foundations – to reduce the cost of the work on the “zero cycle” in 2-2,5 times,
– reduce the consumption of materials of construction due to the economy of concrete and metal reinforcement
– to improve the energy efficiency of the building during its operation (energy saving on heating),
– reduce the cost of transport and installation works through the use of less of the lifting equipment
– to reduce the cost of 1 m2 of housing in high-rise building by 30%
– the overall efficiency of the construction through the use of products from high-strength lightweight concrete is increased by 30-35%.
Properties of high-strength lightweight concrete:
Features: | Unit of measure: | Value: |
The mobility diameter of RASPLAV cone | mm | at least 155 |
The average density | kg/m3 | 1300…1500 |
Compressive strength | MPa | 40,0…70 |
The Flexural strength | MPa | 5,0 8,5… |
Specific strength | MPa | 30,0 50,0… |
The ratio of fracture toughness | – | 0,10 0,12… |
The ratio of fracture toughness by the method of MIIT | – | 0,27 0,42… |
The modulus of elasticity | HPa | to 10.0 |
Poisson’s Ratio | – | to 0.12 |
Water absorption by weight | % | less than 1.0 |
Coefficient of thermal conductivity | W/(m∙K) | less than 0.60 |
The coefficient of thermal diffusivity | 10-7 m2/s | less than 4.00 |
Specific heat (at T=25oC) | kJ/(kg∙K) | 1,08 1,17… |
The coefficient of water resistance | – | greater than 0.99 |
Frost | mark | more F300 |
Materials and composition (formulation) high strength lightweight concrete:
High-strength lightweight concrete made of concrete mix of special composition that contains cement, filler, microspheres, quartz sand, plasticizer and water, additionally contains a mineral part consisting of the siliceous components of a particular composition and particle size. As a plasticizer used superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate, the effectiveness of which depends on the type, brand and concentration. High-strength lightweight concrete is a fine-grained concrete containing no coarse aggregate. The decrease in average density is achieved by introducing the spherical particles of the micrometer size which is a carbon dioxide in a solid non-porous shell. In combination with selected special method of components of cement-a mineral component of concrete and special modifying additives of hollow filler forms both dense and durable concrete structure with a rich sealed porosity.
For the preparation of high-strength lightweight concrete used Portland cement, corresponding to GOST 31108-2003, such as brand ПЦ500 D0. The mineral part, which includes quartz sand fractionated (FR. A 0.16…0.63 mm), corresponding to GOST 8739-93, and other siliceous components, fills intergranular voids of the filler, forming a dense structure. The filler used glass or aluminosilicate microspheres of the full, individual properties of which provide a reduction of the average density while maintaining high strength high strength lightweight concrete. Application of polycarboxylate superplasticizer from the producers of “Sika”, “Melflux” or “Odolit-T” allows to increase the mobility and reduce the water requirement.
The key component for obtaining high-strength lightweight concrete with desired physical and mechanical properties of nanoscale is a special additive used as a surface modifier of the filler particles. The functional necessity of its application due to the imperfection of the phase boundary microsphere/cement-mineral matrix. The using modifier allows you to increase adhesion in the contact zone of the hollow spherical filler and karkasoobrazuyuschego part of the high-strength lightweight concrete.
Quality products of high strength lightweight concrete will depend on prescription, so technological factors: the modes of preparation and laying of concrete mixtures, modes, steam curing, etc.
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