Heat stabilizers of soils in the permafrost installation DIY production recent patents price, buy TSG scheme is the manufacture of soldering iron SOU тк32 the principle of operation of PVC
Heat stabilizers of soils in the permafrost.
Heat stabilizers of soils used in construction of foundations in permafrost conditions that reduce the volume of investment from 20% to 50% due to increase bearing capacity, reduce construction time up to 50% and construction area up to 50%, and also guarantee the security of any of the most complex structures.
The soil stabilizers have the advantages of
Horizontal tubular estestvennosti (HET) system
Vertical tubular estestvennosti (VET) system
Individual heat stabilizers of soils
Deep stenocactus cooling device
General description:
Heat stabilizers of soils is represented by four major types of seasonally operating cooling devices (SDA):
– estestvennosti horizontal tubular system (HET),
– estestvennosti vertical tubular system (VET),
– individual heat stabilizers,
– deep SDAS.
The soil stabilizers have the advantages of:
The use of these technologies in the construction of foundations allows you to:
– to maintain the required design temperature of soil Foundation,
– to reduce the volume of investment from 20% to 50% due to the increase in bearing capacity,
to reduce construction time up to 50%,
– to reduce the construction area to 50%,
to guarantee the security of any of the complex structures,
– as the refrigerant used is ammonia or carbon dioxide,
– cost of electricity,
– mode of operation from October to April.
– linearly-extended objects: products pipelines, gas pipelines, technological pipelines, roads, Railways, support bridges and aqueducts, electricity pylon, support of technological pipelines, conduits,
– engineering construction: oil tanks of the vessels, the mouth of the gas wells, the mouth of oil wells, torches, open type, slurry pits, landfills, parks chemicals, automotive racks,
– buildings: pump station, gas compressor station, supporting base industries, residential complexes, industrial buildings, public and civil purposes,
– hydraulic structures: slope areas of oil and gas pipelines, Bank protection, dams, waterworks, dams, seepage, permafrost of the veil.
Horizontal tubular estestvennosti (HET) system:
The HET system is a hermetically sealed heat transfer device is made automatically active in the winter time by the force of gravity and the positive temperature difference between soil and outside air.
The HET system consists of two main elements: 1) cooling pipe (the evaporator part), 2) condenser unit. Cooling pipes placed in the base of the structure. Serve for the circulation of refrigerant and freezing of the soil. The condensing unit is located above the ground surface and connected to the evaporation part. The condenser unit can be removed from the object to 100 m.
System of GET works without electricity automatically in natural mode. In winter the coolant pipes, the heat transfer is carried from the soil to the refrigerant. The refrigerant goes from a liquid phase into a vapor. The vapor moves toward a condenser unit, where it again enters the liquid phase, giving heat through the fins to the atmosphere. The cooled and condensed refrigerant again flows into the evaporation system and repeats the cycle. The condenser unit tucked at the factory with the necessary amount of refrigerant sufficient to fill the entire system. Operating pressure in the system is not more than 4 ATM.
Vertical tubular estestvennosti (VET) system:
VET system — analogue system GETS reinforced by vertical pipes. The vertical tubes are placed in the necessary reference points and connected to the condensing unit.
The peculiarity of the systems of VET and HET — ability to carry out deep soil freezing in the most inaccessible places, or those places where the location of above-ground elements is undesirable/impossible. All cooling elements located below the surface of the soil.
The system of VET and HET is to efficiently maintain the set temperature mode of the permafrost soil under foundations of various constructions such as tanks up to 100 000 m3, roads, Railways, buildings up to a width of 120 m.
Individual heat stabilizers of soils:
Individual thermostatic executed as a sealed one-piece welded construction full factory readiness, charged with evaporative underground part and the aerial condenser.
The heat stabilizer is mounted vertically or tilted at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical, in the vicinity of the lower end of the piles at the bases. Evaporating part of the heat stabilizer is in the soil and has a protective zinc coating.
Designed to cool the melt and plastically soils under buildings with ventilated underground and without him, under the flyovers of pipelines and for other structures with the aim of enhancing their load-bearing capacity. Used to prevent buckling of the piles.
The total length of the individual heat stabilizer 6-21 m, depth of the underground part up to 20 m, height of overhead condenser part with the aluminum fins up to 3 m.
Deep stenocactus cooling device:
Deep stenocactus cooling device (SDA) is a sealed one-piece welded structure, filled with refrigerant.
As the refrigerant for deep-SDA is used carbon dioxide. It fills the entire promarijuana the height of the JMA. Intense circulation is achieved by using special internal devices.
The depth of the underground part, depending on the object of freezing, can reach 100 m. Height of overhead condenser of up to 5 m.
Depth of SOU designed for freezing and thermal stabilization of dams, wellheads to ensure their operational safety, roads, local freezing of melt zones.
Note: © Photo , , http://www.npo-fsa.ru. Video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1o05Hz9mZQJ-VFl6YleIg. Photo and video courtesy of NPO “Fundamentstroyarkos”, http://www.npo-fsa.ru.