Heat-saving film on Windows for insulation of Windows reviews to buy
Heat-saving film to reduce heat loss through Windows, etc.
Heat tape in 2 times reduces heat loss through the glass, which leads to conservation of heat consumed for heating of buildings, greenhouses. Trials with heat-wrap showed that yields in greenhouses, equipped with film, increased by 20-30%.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Heat tape is a conventional polietilentereftalatnoy film coated with special coating from oxides of metals. The coating consists of several layers: the edges of the applied zinc oxide, in mid – silver with a thickness of several nanometers, from the effects of moisture coating protects the silicon oxide. Such heat-saving film has transparency in the visible region of the spectrum 85-87 % and the reflection in the infrared range of lengths of waves of at least 91 %. In other words, heat tape reflects heat (infrared) radiation and transmits visible radiation.
Heat increases the film temperature in the room and removes the cold zone near the glass.
Thermal resistance of a conventional window – at the level of 0,32 m2K/W at the window with one heat-film – of 0.73 m2K/W, with a two – 0,88 m2K/W. The latter figure coincides with the data of a brick wall about a meter thick.
Installation of heat-saving film on Windows about 2 times reduces heat losses through them (through the glass), which leads to conservation of heat consumed for heating of buildings. Similarly, in greenhouse agriculture – reducing cost of heating in 2 times. Trials with heat-wrap showed that yields in greenhouses, equipped with film, increased by 20-30%.
Can be applied to glass, used in the form of roller blinds or metal frame to fit between the window frames.
– reduction of heat loss (as well as cost for heat) 2 times,
– low cost,
– ease of use,
– heat-film “works” all year round
– on gives the Windows “cry”,
– increase productivity in greenhouses, equipped with film, 20-30%.
– in agriculture: a covering for greenhouses,etc.,
– in the construction and housing and communal services: coating for Windows and glass constructions.
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