Greening the roofs of buildings in cities.
Roof gardening is not only an environmental trend in society, but also benefits. Green roofs protect the building from overheating in the heat, and in winter time have an insulating effect. They absorb rainwater and reduce the load on storm sewers.
Greening the roofs of buildings in cities
The benefits of greening the roofs of buildings in cities
Greening the roofs of buildings in cities:
Greening the roofs of buildings represents a fully or partially planted with live plants, shrubs and trees the roofs of the buildings. Live vegetation growing directly in the ground (not in pots, etc.), which on the roof it creates an impermeable membrane (waterproofing) layer, a drainage and a barrier to roots.
Green roofs are divided into two types: intensive and extensive. In the first case, the greening of roofs indicates the creation of a full-fledged gardens, parks, landscapes. In the second case, the roof of the building is covered with low-growing vegetation that does not require special care. It is fully Autonomous.
In some countries, such as France, the roofs of all newly constructed commercial areas buildings should be covered with plants or solar panels. These roofs are very popular in Germany and Australia.
The benefits of greening the roofs of buildings in cities:
– the greening of roofs is not only an environmental trend in society, but also benefits,
– green roofs protect the building from overheating in the heat, which greatly reduces costs for air conditioning. In the winter, green roofs, by contrast, have an isolating effect, reduce the amount of energyrequired to heat buildings
– green roofs retain rainwater, absorb it, thereby reducing the load on storm sewers. Rainwater is a source of water for living plants,
– green roofs provide protection from the city noise
– are aesthetic and serve as a decoration of the cities.
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