GOST 8218-89 Milk. The method of determining the purity
GOST 8218-89 Milk. The method of determining the purity
GOST 8218-89
Group H19
The method of determining the purity
Milk. Method of purity determination
ISS 67.100.10
AXTU 9209
Date of introduction 1990-01-01
1. DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED to the State agro-industrial Committee of the USSR
T. I. Basenko, PhD. agricultural. Sciences; V. I. Gorbunov, candidate. agricultural. Sciences; A. G. Olkonen, PhD. tech. Sciences; V. I. Kartashov, Dr. vet. Sciences; A. B. Khripunova, PhD. vet. Sciences; S. A. Gusev; I. R. Davydov, PhD. tech. Sciences; V. P. Shydlouskaya, PhD. tech. Sciences
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee on management of quality and standards from 24.10.89 N 3158
3. REPLACE GOST 8218-56
The designation of the reference document referenced | The partition number |
GOST 3622-68 | Sec. 1 |
GOST 9277-79 | Sec. 2 |
GOST 13928-84 | Sec. 1 |
GOST 26809-86 | Sec. 1 |
THAT 17-14-255-85 | Sec. 2 |
5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 4-94)
6. EDITION (August 2009) adjusted (ICS 7-2009).
This standard applies to raw, thermally treated milk, milk and milk-containing canned foods and sets the method for determining purity. The method is based on separation of mechanical impurities from dosed samples of milk by straining through a filter and a visual comparison of the presence of mechanical impurities on the filter with the reference sample.
Sampling and preparation for analysis is carried out according to GOST 13928, 3622 GOST and GOST 26809.
Instruments to determine the purity of milk, dairy and milk-containing canned goods with the diameter of the filtering surface 27 to 30 mm.
Filters from the needle termo of the clamped linen cloth for filtering milk, dairy and milk-containing canned goods on the other 17-14-255.
Utensils a measuring capacity of 250 cm.
Thermometer liquid-in-glass (mercuty) technical with measuring range from 0 to 100 °C with a scale interval of 1 °C according to GOST 9277.
Laboratory water bath.
3.1. The filter device is inserted into the smooth surface facing upwards.
From the combined samples are taken 250 cm3 of well-mixed milk, dairy and milk-containing canned goods, which is heated to a temperature of (35±5) °C and poured into a vessel of the device.
3.2. At the end of filtration the filter is removed and placed on a sheet of parchment or other waterproof paper.
Depending on the number of mechanical impurities on the filter the milk is divided into three groups purity by comparing the filter with the sample.
Sample comparison for determination of purity of milk (during the filtration of a sample volume of 250 cm3)
Cleanliness group | Sample comparison | Feature |
First | On the filter there are no particles of mechanical impurities. Allowed for raw milk, the presence of filter no more than two particles of mechanical impurities | |
Second | On the filter there are separate particles of mechanical impurities (up to 13 particles) | |
Third | Filter visible sediment particles mechanical impurities (hairs, particles of food, sand) |
Note. Filter color should match the color of milk in accordance with the requirements of NTD. If you change the color filter milk, regardless of the number present on the filter mechanical impurities, belong to the third group of purity.