Glider – a robotic platform for ocean observing underwater marine price, buy drawing mechanism reviews your hands subnautica
Glider – a robotic platform for ocean observations.
Remotely operated robotic platform for ocean observations on the basis of the wave glider has an unlimited supply of Autonomous navigation, full battery life, and silent operation, the wide set of measured parameters and the possibility of conducting mass studies.
The composition of the equipment
Remotely operated robotic platform for ocean observations on the basis of the wave glider consists of two connected cable units – surface and underwater.
Surface part of the glider floating on the surface. Resembles a surfboard. Inside it are the sensors to collect a variety of Oceanographic and meteorological data, such as:
– characteristics of waves
– temperature and salinity,
– the concentration of salts and dissolved oxygen in the water etc.
In the topside is also installed miniature weather station that collects weather data, and solar panels.
The underwater part of the glider – a specialized device for converting energy waves into the energy of forward movement. Provided with a freely rotatable fin propulsion (wings), which, using the energy of incoming waves, move forward underwater part and pull the surface part.
The principle of motion:
Source (sole or major) of the movement is the change of buoyancy. The vertical momentum of emersion or immersion is converted to a horizontal change in the relative position of the centers (of gravity, buoyancy, pressure), just as do air gliders. The trim angle is controlled by shifting the rechargeable battery inside the unit. This movement mechanism allows the glider to slowly “glide” in the water the thickness of a sawtooth trajectory.
Most of the time the vehicle (robotic platform) glissirovat freely from one point to another along a sawtooth trajectory, which makes it economical in energy consumption and noiseless. The specified principle of motion can dramatically reduce energy consumption, which in turn allows to increase the cruising range, albeit with low speed.
– unlimited supply of standalone navigation
– full autonomy of work,
– ease of deployment
– no need for the escort vessel,
– the possibility of conducting mass studies
– the possibility of action in the shallow areas
– a wide set of measured parameters,
– modular construction.
The composition of the equipment:
– subsystem traffic management (autopilot),
– subsystem for measuring of parameters of Oceanographic fields
– system of communication and information exchange with the control Center,
– navigation system,
– the subsystem of accumulation of electricity.
– Oceanographic, hydro-biological, environmental, etc. studies
– monitoring of the aquatic environment,
– patrolling of sea areas,
– relay signals from underwater vehicles,
– use as a charging station Autonomous underwater vehicles, etc.