Furnace for iron smelting from waste metallurgy process a reducing agent in metallurgy technology fuel the country’s trade volume by the leader of the unit
Furnace for smelting iron from the waste industry.
Furnace for iron smelting from waste metallurgy has a specific energy consumption 20-30% less than the best world analogues, and is the basis for the creation of non-waste production of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy.
Furnace for iron smelting from waste metallurgy is built on the bubbler principle, which is based on the rise of gas bubbles in the molten metal. The ultimate goal of the process is the recovery of the melt of the metals blended to a pure iron.
The raw material for this technology is the knockdown of technogenic wastes, including slag, and the output of the furnace – cast iron, commodity slag and concentrate non-ferrous metals. Waste technologies are not.
The furnace is divided into two zones: melting and recovery. First, in the melting zone of the furnace at a temperature of 1400-1500°C knockdown of technogenic waste containing iron ore concentrate, turn into molten metal, which is then in a reducing zone is blown with gaseous carbon monoxide from impurities of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The formed bubbles greatly speed up chemical processes in the bath and stirred vigorously ferrous melt and the slag.
– specific energy consumption 20-30% less than the best world analogues,
– is anti-education especially dangerous for the environment substances
oven is the basis for the creation of non-waste production of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy,
– the raw materials used industrial waste of metallurgy, including slag.