Merkkijono Unitsky-virallinen verkkosivusto Anatoly yunitskiy Wikipedia-arvosteluista

Unitsky-merkkijono kuljetus (SkyWay) sillä on korkea ympäristöystävällisyys ja kuljetusinfrastruktuurin kustannukset ovat alhaiset.

Unitsky-merkkijonokuljetus on maan käsite (tai pikemminkin, pinta-) kuljetusjärjestelmän jouset, jossa kevyet vaunut liikkuvat tukien väliin venytetyillä kiskoilla.

Teknologia odottaa rahoitusta ja on parhaillaan kehitteillä!


Radan rakenteen suunnittelu

Suunnittelu sdignaga-sävellys

Järjestelmien vaihtoehdot ja tyypit



Merkkijono kuljetus Unitsky (STU) on maan käsite (tai pikemminkin, pinta-) kuljetusjärjestelmän jouset, jossa kevyet vaunut liikkuvat tukien väliin venytetyillä kiskoilla.

Radan rakenteen suunnittelu:

Yksi merkkijonon kuljetusjärjestelmän pääkomponenteista merkkijono (kisko-merkkijono), naru tai palkki (palkkinauha), tai sitoa maatila (maatila-merkkijono) erityinen muotoilu. Rata (palkki, ristikko), edustaa yleensä ydinterästä (tulevaisuudessa - komposiitti) laatikko, jonka sisäpuolelle on sijoitettu pakkaus lankojen lankojen langoista (tai nauhoja, filamentit,johdot, ja muut laajennetut turvaominaisuudet). Laatikon sisätila, jota kielet eivät vie, on täytetty mineraali- tai polymeerikoostumuksilla. Jousien jännitys on peräisin 10 että 1,500 tonnia, hyötykuormarivistä riippuen, jännevälit, mitoitetut nopeustilat ja järjestelmän tyyppi (asennettu tai ripustettu).

Pääradan välinen etäisyys (ankkuri) tukien tulisi olla 1 että 5 km (jousille käytetyn korkean vetolujuuden teräslangan pituus); välitukijalkojen ja jalustojen välinen etäisyys 25 että 100 m ja enemmän. 10-20 m tai enemmän merkkijonoja, kiskot voidaan liittää poikittaisilla rainoilla tasaisen ulottuman varmistamiseksi (kaksoiskiskovaihtoehdoille STU kuin mahdollista ja yksiraiteiset vaihtoehdot saranoiduiksi ja ripustetuiksi). Kaksoislaipan avulla (dvuhgrivnevka) radanvaihtoa pitävät liikkuvan kaluston pyörät ja ylimääräiset sivurullat eivät ole kriittisiä. Lämpötilan muutokset kiskon pituudella kompensiruet jousien liiallista esijännitystä (partly pre-tension of the body of the rail); the longitudinal thermal strain does not occur. (there are only the transverse displacement in the range of 1-3 mm in the mid span, which is not critical).

When driving a vehicle (railcar or train) on the span length of 30 m the vertical deflection of rails shall not exceed 30 mm for low-speed STU (estimated relative deformability — not more than 1/1000 as major bridges), ja 6 mm for high-speed STU (estimated relative deformability of not more than 1/5000, which is higher than the requirements of the overpasses for high-speed Railways). Horizontal lateral deflection of the rails when exposed to the track structure and the vehicle lateral hurricane wind does not exceed 2-3 mm in the span of 30 m.

Construction sagging strings in outboard STUsewn upinside the cavity of the rail (ts. a rail head and the strings are not parallel to each other). In hanging the same STU the rail head parallel to the string, that is posted with the SAG at every span, so each support a suspended rail-string is placed on a special cradle with a radius of 100 m ja enemmän, depending on the estimated speed. Sagging strings of rail between supports in urban suspended STU is used, the initial acceleration of the rolling stock in the initial section of the route between the neighbouring stops and, päinvastoin, a brake on the end, mikä sallii, erityisesti, significantly reduce the consumption of electric energy (aikeissa 3-5 ajat). Tähän tarkoitukseen, the distance between the supports is advisable to do equal to the distance between adjacent stops (500-1000 m), combining passenger stationssecond levelwith the anchoring pillars for such a city route.

The cost of laying the path of the double track system is estimated to developer (depending on the type and class system and movement speed) in the conditions of the plains will amount to 0.7—3.5 m $/km (in urban areas — 20-30% korkeampi); the full cost of the STU, taking into account the cost of rolling stock and infrastructure — 0,9—6 million $/km Cost of transportation, which is the main comprehensive technical and economic characteristics of any form of transport, in this system, the “second level” tulee olemaan: 1 tonne cargo of 0.5—0.7 $/100 km one passenger — 0.7 että 1.2 $/100 km (in United States dollars at the exchange rate and as of early 2013).

Suunnittelu sdignaga-sävellys:

As a passenger and cargo-passenger rolling stock is planned to be used railcar rolling stock in the form of single self-propelled drive trains or rail linja-autot (also referred to as theunibuses”) and multiple units; as load (also referred to as theyunikar”) is a train of coupled non-self-propelled freight cars with locomotive traction and freight railcar rolling stock, either separately moving each other non-driving freight wagons with an external drive. Single self-propelled cars, jos välttämätöntä, can be coupled to each other in the train mechanical coupling, or gather in virtual trains with electronic coupling (the distance between individual cars in akouluttaa” tulee olemaan 100 m ja enemmän).

Rolling stock moves (in different variants of the system) at the top or bottom kiskot-the strings at speeds in the range from 50 että 500 km / h, and in the city — up to 150 km/h top speed of the motion depends on the dynamic stiffness (due to the string tension and the Flexural rigidity of the rail-strings) and construction of flatness of the rail-strings to the passage, and from the power moottorin and the aerodynamic qualities of the vehicle body, which are selected for a specific transport task from designed, tested and certified kohteita, components and assemblies. There are options to rolling stock with independent traction power contact rail (electric rolling stock) and non-driven rolling stock with external actuator (esimerkiksi. pull rope).

The following actuator options for rolling stock:

moottori internal combustion drive pyörä;
moottori ajaa pyörä;
moottori of any type to drive the propeller;
the motor-wheel;
lineaarinen moottori;
the traction köysi.

Today there are several dozen choices of attachments and suspension rolling stock: passenger — accommodating from 5 että 500 passengers and develop a speed of from 50 että 450 km / h, cargo — carrying capacity from 1 t to 10 000 t. the Planned capacity of the actuator is from 5 että 500 kW and more. In the passenger rolling stock has two modes of braking: palvelu (acceleration to 1 m / S2, the braking distance from a speed of 300 km/h in about 3.5 km) and emergency (vastaavasti, 3.5 m/S2 and 0.9 km). The cost of a ten-seat high-speed passenger rail bus (unibus) is approximately in serial production of about 50 tuhat $, and low-speed freight cars (unicare) kapasiteetti 10 tonnes — about 5 tuhat $ (in United States dollars at the exchange rate and as of early 2013).

Järjestelmien vaihtoehdot ja tyypit:

Today designed two basic types of system:

there is a hangingin which the rolling stock on the rails placed on top of a-strings (two rail-strings, or beams, strings, or farm-strings on one path stretched with the total force 50-1500 tons or more; the distance between the anchors 1-5 km or more, between the intermediate supports 30 että 50 m tai enemmän (aikeissa 2 km supported ways of using ropes and cables); nopeus liike — up to 500 km / h;
– suspension, in which the rolling stock is suspended below the rails-the strings (one or two rail-strings are one-way, stretched with the total force 10-300 tons or more; the distance between the anchors of 1-3 km and more; speed — up to 150 km / h).

Also developed several variants (luokat) of the system string transport, depending on payload and passenger-carrying rail cars:

– ultralight — up to 3 people or up to 0.5 tonnia lastia;
- kevyt — up to 10 employees or up to 2.5 tonnia lastia;
– medium — up to 25 people or up to 5 tonnia lastia;
- raskas — up to 50 people or 10 tonnia lastia;
- raskas — up to 500 people or 10,000 tonnia lastia.

The claimed carrying capacity: 10 000 pass./day. ja 10 000 t / päivä. — for ultralight, aikeissa 2 million pass./day. ja 2 miljoonaa tonnia. for extra heavy. Capacity heavy STU similar to the carrying capacity of the trains and the metro.


– low materials consumption and the cost of the entire transport infrastructure (in comparison with other competing transport systems of thesecond levelhaving the same performance) — 5-10 kertaa enemmän

the lack of huge polttoainetta costs for snow removal and ice for cold countries such as Russia, Kanada, Valko-Venäjä, Ukraina, Suomi, Estonia and others

– durability of way and rolling stock (vastaavasti, vähintään 50 vuotta ja 25 vuotta, compared to asphalt roads in Russia require reconstruction every spring),

in cities the opportunity to practice the second tier over the existing roads and, as consequence, reduction of traffic jams, up to their complete disappearance,

– on the nature of the free movement of wild and domestic animals

roads and Railways, maatalouskoneet, ground and surface (including flood) water do not overlap,

– low frictional losses (no losses in the bumps in the road and friction in the tires) ja seurauksena, low power consumption during operation (in fuel: urban freight suspended STU — 0,2—0,3 l/100 pass.-km, intercity high-speed rail services at a speed of 350 km/h — 0.5—0.6 l/100 pass.-km),

low percentage of land seizures under the track (50-100 times less in comparison with the mounds of Railways and roads),

– high environmental friendliness of the system (emissions less than 0.1 g/pass.-km),

possibility of full automation, the rejection of drivers and tram driver,

– a sharp reduction of accidents and deaths due to the use of a computerized system of control and exclusion of human factor,

safety of high-speed traffic (thanks to the “toinen” level of accommodation and the presence of anti-derailment system), including for terrorist acts (esimerkiksi. drop one or more supporting poles fastened to a rail-string through a special detachable mechanism will not lead to the collapse of the span and to the open strings of the rail and will only cause additional vertical deformation of the path).

merkittävän melun puuttuminen, tärinä, tai sähkömagneettiset vaikutukset ympäristöön.

Huomautus: tekniikan kuvaus esimerkkinä merkkijonokuljetus Unitsky.
