Farad unit of measurement unit of capacitor, how much
Farad – unit of capacitance in the International system of units (SI). Has the Russian designation – f and international designation – F.
Farad as a unit of measurement
View Farad to other units – formula
Multiples and sub-multiples of the Farad unit
Other units of measurement
Farad as unit of measure:
Farad – unit of electrical capacitance in the International system of units (SI), named after the English physicist Michael Faraday. Formerly the headlightsandYes.
Farad as the unit of measurement is the Russian designation – f and international designation – F.
1 Farad is equal to the capacitance of the capacitorin which a charge of 1 Coulomb (C) creates, between the plates of a capacitor voltage of 1 volt (V).
F = C/V.
1 F = 1 C/1 V.
Farad is a very large capacity. With a capacity of 1F would be the intimate sphere, whose radius was equal to 13 times the radius of the Sun. For comparison, the conductivity of the Ground (the ball is the size of the Earth as a solitary Explorer) is only approximately 700 microfarads.
In the International system of units Farad introduced by the decision of the XI General conference on weights and measures in 1960, simultaneously with the adoption of the SI as a whole. In accordance with the rules SI, and relating the derived units are named for scientists, the name of the unit “Farad” spelled with a lowercase letter and its name — with a capital (f). Such writing of the designation is stored in the symbols for derived units formed by using a Farad.
The application of a Farad:
In farads measure capacitance of the conductors, cables, inter-electrode capacitance of various devices and capacitors, that is, their ability to accumulate electric charge.
Different electric capacity and electrochemical capacity. Electrochemical capacitance applies to conventional batteries and accumulators. It has a different nature and measured in different units: ampere-hours, proportionate electric charge (1 ampere-hour is equal to 3600 coulombs).
View Farad to other units – of the formula:
Through the basic and derived SI units Farad is expressed as follows:
F = C / V
F = A · s / In
F = J / B2
F = W · s / B2
F = N · m / V2
F = KL · m / j
F = Кл2 / N · m
F = C2 · Кл2 / kg · m2
F = A2 · S4 / kg · m2
F = s / Ω
F = 1 / Ω · Hz
F = S2 / Ω · GN
where f – Farad And ampere, In volts, KL – pendant, j – Joule, m = meter, N – Newton s – second W – watt, kg – kilogram, Ohm, Ohm, Hz – Hz, H – Henry.
Multiples and sub-multiples of the Farad unit:
Multiple and sub-multiple units are formed using standard prefixes of the SI.
Multiple | Dolny | ||||||
value | name | marking | value | name | marking | ||
101 f | dekafarad | DAF | daF | 10-1 f | deciphered | DF | dF |
102 f | geckofrog | GF | hF | 10-2 f | sandiford | SF | cF |
103 f | kilofarad | KF | kF | 10-3 f | millifarad | MF | mF |
106 f | megafarad | MF | MF | 10-6 f | microfarad | UF | µF |
109 f | girafarig | GF | GF | 10-9 f | nanofarads | nF | nF |
1012 f | terafarad | TF | TF | 10-12 f | picofarads | pF | pF |
1015 f | petafarad | PF | PF | 10-15 f | femtofarad | FF | fF |
1018 f | exafarad | EF | EF | 10-18 f | attofarad | AF | aF |
1021 f | sittaford | ZF | ZF | 10-21 f | sepepared | ZF | zF |
1024 f | iotated | If | YF | 10-24 f | octopart | if | yF |
Source: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фарад
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