Energy willow – willow grown for energy purposes how much heat to purchase
Energy willow – willow grown for energy purposes.
Energy willow (Salix Viminalis) – fast-growing varieties of willow, with high yields (up to 12 tons per hectare per year), high calorific value and a calorific value of the biomass grown for energy purposes.
Characteristics of energy willow
Energy willow (Salix Viminalis) – fast-growing varieties of willow, with high yields (up to 12 tons per hectare per year), high calorific value and a calorific value of the biomass grown for energy purposes.
To date, there are about 20 species of rapidly growing plantsthat can be grown to obtain a biomass plant in the interests of bioenergy. This eucalyptus, poplar, willow, miscanthus and others.
The collected biomass is used for combustion in special solid fuel boilers for production of thermal and electric energy, can be the raw material for the production of pressed solid biofuels such as pellets and briquettes.
The combustion of biomass in power plants or boilers in the atmosphere emitted only CO2, which was absorbed by the plant during growth.
Among all energy plants in the world that willow is now used in the world as the main energy crops for the production of solid fuel has a high calorific value. The greatest experience in its development and cultivation have countries such as Sweden, England, Ireland, Poland, Denmark.
In addition, energy willow because of its durability and rapid growth is an ideal environmentally friendly natural solution for protection from wind and sun light and create a natural microclimate in the places of residence of people.
For the energy willow does not need fertile land. Willow seedlings are unpretentious, thanks to a well-developed root system, grow well on wetlands, and on mineral, sandy and loamy soils.
is environmentally friendly raw materials for production of fuel pellets,
– industrial production of heat and electricity from solid biofuels is two times cheaper compared to using gas,
– the yield of energy willow in terms of calorimetric indicators are the highest among the other energy plants and up to 12 tonnes of dry matter per 1 hectare
– willow has a sufficiently high ability to absorb heavy and rare metals, such as lead, copper, zinc, Nickel, chrome and others
– specially planted plantations of energy willow are effectively used in erosion control measures for soil stabilization
– the energy willow plantations are natural filters for removing wastes of agricultural production, used as buffer zones in places of accumulation of biological waste of farm
energy willow is a natural filter to clean the soil from pesticides
– willow is ideal for the remediation of contaminated land and land that is unproductive from the point of view of growing crops. It enriches the soil with minerals and microelements, nutrients of natural origin.
Characteristics of energy willow:
– the average increase was 1.5-2 meters per year,
– harvest — every 2-3 years
– the number of cycles of harvest from one planting is 7-8 times, after which you can carry out reclamation of land for planting other crops or to plant a new plantation of willow,
– requirements for the soil — the soil of medium quality with high humidity,
– need plants for mineral fertilizers for plant nutrition in soil bring 3 types of mineral fertilizers, amount of fertilizers depends on the quality of the land, but much less for other crops
– the harvest period from November to February, when the leaves fall, but not yet the beginning of the spring growing season.