“Electronic nose” – an electronic recognition system odors

“Electronic nose” – an electronic system for recognition of odors.



“Electronic nose” – an electronic system designed to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of odors, gases, their mixtures, contained in the air.




The system of “Electronic nose” can be used



“Electronic nose” – an electronic system designed to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of odors, gases, their mixtures, contained in the air.

The system of “Electronic nose” consists of the following components:

the matrix (array) highly sensitive semiconductor sensors. As semiconductor gas sensors are used in a polymeric nanostructured materials;

the sampling system;

analog adapter to maintain the operating modes of the sensors in the matrix and converting the output of the sensors into a digital code;

a microprocessor (microcontroller) for advanced signal processing sensors and organization of a standard interface for communication with the computer;

a computer with software on the basis of bystroumov neural network artificial intelligence with the possibility of self-learning for system control and pattern recognition.

“Electronic nose” not only distinguishes between different mixtures of gasesbut also memorize new odors, forming a database of smells, gases and mixtures thereof. Bystrooborachivaemy neural network artificial intelligence with the possibility of self-learning provides high speed recognition of odors, gases and their mixtures.



– the recognition of odors of a wide range of chemicals

reducing detection time compared to traditional methods

– a comprehensive analysis of the air environment. The system of “Electronic nose” can identify complex gases, mixtures of gases and odors unlike traditional sensors which only recognize a certain smell,

self-learning system in the process, and to develop a database of smells, gases and mixtures thereof.


The system of “Electronic nose” can be used:

in medicine (diagnosis of diseases by smell of breath, detection of pathogens on the breathing, etc.);

for monitoring and protection of the environment;

the promotion of chemical safety (detection of chemicals, poisons, etc., early fire alarm, sensors, burglar alarms, personal protective equipment, etc.);

in agriculture;

to ensure the safety of people and objects, early warning in man-made disasters, labor protection, etc.;

in scientific research;

in the mining industry (analysis of vapors of oil and gas to search for and Deposit monitoring, quick identification of minerals, etc.);

in household appliances (consumer control, determination of degree of doneness of microwave ovens and ovens, robot vacuum cleaners and disinfectors, etc.);

in aviation, rocketry and cosmonautics.