Electrochemical machine and electrochemical machining.
Electrochemical machines are used for precision electrochemical machining tokoprovodu heat-treated (not heat treated) steels and alloys, such as high-temperature, high-speed, stainless, tool, alloy, structural, corrosion-resistant, high-carbon, chromium steel as well as copper, bronze, brass, Nickel, nonferrous alloys, precious metals, magnets and magnetic alloys, stellites, titanium.
The structure of modern electrochemical machines
Electrochemical machines are used for precision electrochemical machining tokoprovodu heat-treated (not heat treated) steels and alloys, such as high-temperature, high-speed, stainless, tool, alloy, structural, corrosion-resistant, high-carbon, chromium steel as well as copper, bronze, brass, Nickel, nonferrous alloys, precious metals, magnets and magnetic alloys, stellites, titanium.
Method of electrochemical dimensional processing based on the dissolution of the material of the workpiece in high speed under the simultaneous effect of pulsed current flow in the electrolyte flowing through the small interelectrode gap between the workpiece (anode) and the electrode-tool (cathode). Thus, in accordance with Faraday’s law, the mass removed from the workpiece material is proportional to amperage and time of treatment.
For the process of electrochemical dimensional processing of two metal electrodes (tool and workpiece), between which is an electrolyte, connected to opposite poles of the current source. The negative pole of the source connected to the electrode-tool (cathode), shifts its potential to the negative side due to the increase in electron concentration. The positive pole takes away electrons from the connected electrode-workpiece (a workpiece, anode), which shifts its potential to the positive side. Such a deviation of the potentials of the electrodes from the equilibrium value causes the flow of electrode processes: at the cathode starts the restoration of the cations at the anode is oxidation of the metal.
The processing is performed in a single-component electrolyte (12% solution of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and water).
The quality of the electrode-tool for electrochemical machine can be used:
a sample of the product is soldered by fusible solder to the electrode
electrode, specially designed and made of conductive material with the traditional method (electroplating, milling and engraving machine, laser cutting, etching and other fabrication techniques).
Electrode-tool is made of a tractable mechanical method (mainly copper, brass, bronze, unhardened steel) metals. The electrode-tool does not depend on parameters like hardness and durability – they can be much lower than that of the material of the workpiece. Further, the electrode tool, the manufacture of which was spent working cycle only once can produce a large (virtually unlimited number), the party of the working tool (die tooling, matrices, stamps, inserts molds) or finished parts;
Available ready the electrode tool, you can recover to a working size of worn out in the process of forming a working stamp in minimal time.
Technology of electrochemical processing has advantages in comparison with traditional methods of treatment such as electric discharge machining, a method of laser processing, laser cutting, using a milling-engraving machine, the use of multi-axis high-speed machining centers, machining.
– guarantee the complete absence of any physical, structural, mechanical wear of the electrode tool,
– the average processing speed is 0.25 mm/min processing Speed electrochemical machine depends on the tool-electrode, and processed as workpiece material, relief depth and complexity
– 100% copying accuracy (0.5 µm.-3 microns.) and repeatability (between 0.5 µm. to 10 µm.) all parameters of the electrode tool in the manufacture of one or a large batch of products,
– receipt of product with any class of roughness, including a mirror surface of Ra =0,002 µm,
– achieved record levels of surface roughness and accuracy of the copy allow to exclude the traditional finishing operations: fine grinding and polishing,
– technology of electrochemical processing, is “cold”, i.e. not associated with any significant heating of the surface and changes its structure, during processing there is no mechanical contact of the tool and the workpiece,
– absence of Burr and defect layer after electrochemical treatment on the treated product surface,
– time savings for the manufacture of products,
– energy saving in production,
– processing is carried out at low voltages (4-12 Volts) using 12% aqueous solution of sodium nitrate (NaNO3), which is environmentally friendly and elektrobezopasen,
– processing of the workpiece is produced by the finally heat-treated steel, tempered to the required hardness. The dissolution of the billet occurs at low temperatures, precluding the formation of thermal stresses and microcracks, which increases the duration of operation of the product
– electrochemical machines no need to build special communication and is connected to the General exhaust system and sewage
– electrochemical machines meet the requirements for noise impact and electromagnetic compatibility,
– electrochemical machines are quite compact (take less than 4 sq. m.), convenient to install and transport,
– electrochemical formation are exposed almost all conductive materials if properly designed technological process of processing and the chosen electrolyte,
– in case of serial manufacture of products reduces the cost, time of manufacture a lot of products in two or more times,
electrochemical machines are of high automation level of the process. User-friendly software and intuitive interface allow you to work with the machine without special training. The machine can be adjusted to suit the production of any items by changing the processing program and processing equipment. Possible to remote control the technical condition of the machine,
– theoretically, for electrochemical treatment, besides electricity, only water is consumed.
The structure of modern electrochemical machines:
Electrochemical machines consist of the following main components:
1. Mechanical system.
2. The generator pulses and the automated control system of technological process.
3. Hydraulic system (for clearing, regeneration and supply of the electrolyte to the machine).
4. The system of ecological purity of the process for treatment of chromium-containing steels and alloys (optional).
– the aircraft engine. To the typical parts of modern gas turbine engines, processed, or can be further processed by the method of electrochemical treatment include:
– compressor blades and vanes of the turbine low pressure of titanium, aluminum, intermetallic (Ti-Al, Ni-Ti-Al) and nanostructured materials are designed on the basis of three-dimensional computer simulation of unsteady turbulent flows, which meet high quality requirements of the surface layer;
– ring part finger seals having a circular array of narrow (0,3…0,6 mm) curved grooves and a special microrelief at the lift pads of the fingers;
– compressor and turbine blades, having regular microrelief on the surface of a pen and locking parts;
– turbine blade having konopatnye openings for highly efficient cooling;
– the details of the flame tube and the turbine having a cooling arrays of inclined holes;
– ring part having konopatnye radialgradient grooves, which meet high requirements on quality of surface layer (absence of thermal effects and Burr);
– gear wheels and gear boxes remote units having a complex transverse profile and a longitudinal line of the teeth;
– automotive. For the automotive industry is the actual processing of the following parts:
– high-precision toothed wheelswith a complex profile (for example, hypocycloidal gear), mechanical couplings and parts of the splines;
– various parts with high precision small diameter holes (e.g., injector nozzles, ring part bearing);
– medicine. Applied to medicine and medical equipment electrochemical machines are used for manufacturing the following parts:
– medical tools for microsurgical operations (scalpels, choppers, precovery dividers), having very sharp edge (less than 1 micron);
– medical instruments and devices (e.g., probes, cannulas for irrigation, microsofty) having narrow grooves and apertures of small diameter;
– steel and titanium implants having shaped surfaces with a special regular microrelief (on intraosseous and dental implants) or on the contrary the optically smooth surface;
– implants having different shaped grooves and the holes (for example, plates for cranial-maxillofacial surgery, spine surgery, medical pins, etc.);
– the molding tool (dies, molds) for manufacturing of medical tool (scissors, clamps, needle holders, tweezers, etc.), implants and other components;
mikroprovetrivanie. Electrochemical machines are used for manufacturing the following parts:
– micromodule gears and gear;
– magnets with special shape and small dimensions;
– thin membrane sensor;
– manufacture of tools, manufacture of matrices, punches;
jewelry industry and heraldry.